We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

One of us loves to hike, and the other likes to shop for shoes. You do the math.... As lovely as Cannon Beach is, there is not a ton of shoe shopping, so the hiking won out. Mom has been wanting to do this hike forever, so on the Sunday after the 4th, we piled some stuff in a backpack and headed out. The hike is somewhere between 5.5 and 6.3 miles, depending on who you believe, and takes you from Indian Beach in Ecola Park all the way in to Seaside. Of course, this is part of the famous Lewis and Clark trek over Tillamook Head.

This is the view of Indian Beach as we were just heading out. The weather was beautiful at the beach over the 4th, but we were lucky enough to get typical beach weather so we weren't too hot on the hike.
There's a long, long trail a-winding into the land of my dreams....
After a mile and a half we came to the hiker's camp and an old WWII radar station. I have no idea what that means, except that there were these concrete type...things...that made for a good remote pic of the two of us.

The real treat was a close up view of Tilly. Most of you probably don't know about my fascination with this lighthouse, because, well it's a little weird, but...I LOVE her!! The view from here is close enough that you can see the doors and windows. It was calm enough that it was hard to imagine all the drama that has surrounded her. What I would've given for binoculars!

We saw many elk prints along the trail, but the only actual wildlife that was spotted was a chipmunk, a banana slug, various birds, and some gynormous beetles.

The trail is muddy (duh -- it's on the Coast!), and they have built a wooden plank trail over part of it. Here you can see the damage to that during the storm two years ago.
Ta-da!! We made it!