We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Blogging vs The Olympics

I mean first, there is the WiFi, and the number of devices that we can use at one time. In the evenings, one of those devices is streaming Olympics via Peacock. Thank you streaming! ;) The second issue is that this blogger has a deep and wide love of the Olympics and is finding it hard to concentrate on all the other things. :) But isn't that what vacation is for? Just to veg and do the things that you want to do?

On Sunday we sailed out of Cape Liberty, NJ (near Newark) and on our way out to the Atlantic got to see the Statue of Liberty.  It was pretty magical. I don't know how, in a busy harbor, but we were able to do a "donut" as the captain said, so everyone had a view. It was overcast to begin with, and that actually made it more awesome because the torch and her green color stood out much more. I'm not much of a big city girl, but this view was special!

And because I have personally helped build the Brooklyn Bridge during my recovery this summer by watching the Gilded Age (HBO Max), here she is.

Since then, we've just been cruising! That looks a lot like napping, massages, going to the gym, doing everything next to a window, and drinking copious amounts of artisan coffees at the cafe.  We quietly schooled a table at their drunken game of spelling bee today, but that's probably a blog for a later time. 

Tomorrow we arrive in Bermuda and start looking for pink sand and rum swizzles. 😃

Saturday, July 27, 2024

We're Going on Vacation!!!

You may have thought that there wouldn't be a Thelma and Louise adventure this summer because of my surgery. And maybe that sounds like the rational approach to recovery. But what about Thelma and Louisa reads rational? HA! 

In all fairness we booked this trip back when my surgery was scheduled in May. Basically I want to say "don't ask" about the reschedule,  but I will say that it was rescheduled twice, and I just about lost my mind over it. But as sometimes happens, this surgery date couldn't have been more perfect. Everything just fell in line. There's probably a blog in there somewhere. 😊 ANYWAY, when we booked this trip, I would have been roughly eleven weeks out of surgery, and we knew that I would be ready. This puts me at seven weeks out. I think it will be fine with probably some difficult moments, but the doctor was giddy with excitement for me, and said that my surgery was "textbook perfect" and my recovery the same. There's gonna be another blog about that, because how can one pass up more moments to talk about being "perfect"? 

Currently one of us is drugged up in first class stretching and doing ankle pumps, and the other is just behind in row six, having the most personal time she's had in about, oh...7 weeks. 😂 The first working title for this blog was "Vanilla Ice and Socks". My mom has the patience of Job. Only in her "book" the trials and tribulations all have one name: E R I C A. She rarely hits the fence, but recently three things have pushed her right over the edge. The first is Vanilla Ice.  It was about 10 days into recovery when I actually realized I could sing, text etc "Ice Ice Baby" as a request for ice packs. I found it hilarious! I mean, maybe it's not one of the greatest songs of all time, but what could be more appropriate for us than, "Stop! Collaborate and Listen?" So yeah, she's over that. (Sidebar, a writer did reference it in the NY Times last week, so I'm running with that as helping with cultural relevance. lol). 

The second thing she's done with are socks. To be more specific, my socks. Several years ago I had a student who would often take his shoes and socks off about half way through the day. The stitching on the toe box just got to him, and it was sensory overload. He was happy as a clam after taking them off. I think we all experience that a little when the stitching is right on top of your toe and rubs on your shoes, or somehow the entire sock gets turned around. Anyway, these common issues are not my main ones. I have a very specific way I like my socks to look. Yup - look, not feel. 🙄 I like the stitching in the toe box to go across my foot, but just right under my toenails, so there is a nice straight line, and there is plenty of sock above the sewing line. It really bothers me if it's not straight, or if it's too far north to the toes.  Obviously mismatched socks are a hard pass. 😄Add to that taking on and off ice packs and compressions sleeves, with your sock slipping off every time, and you've driven your mom clear to the edge with socks. Oops.

And the last thing is really not my fault at all. Forks have a balance problem and fly off of plates when you are just trying to walk them to the kitchen. Well, it could be partly my fault, because gravity IS strong around me. 

As you can see, Thelma and Louise both desperately need a vacation. Currently we are enroute to Newark, where we will climb aboard a cruise to Bermuda in the morning. We love Bermuda, and it's been at least 30 years since we were last there. You may have read my mom's post the other day about what I learned from VersusLaw. It was in Bermuda where I learned the party etiquette of drinks in your left hand. Nobody wants a wet and cold handshake. Also, that was a stressful evening because I remember really trying to concentrate on NOT falling into the pool as I was schmoozing around. 

We love cruising, we love traveling together. and even after seven weeks of constant face time, we love being together so much!! 💕 Summer vacation here we come!!