We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Thelma & Louise Ride Again!

Like most of America, T&L mourned the loss of our spring break trip. We know that everyone had plans that were canceled, trips delayed, and vacations put on hold, so we tried not to take the break in our travel streak too personally, but...WE DID!! One of us has been home since March, and the other working long hours, so we needed a getaway. But where to go that is safe and responsible?  If you guessed the middle of nowhere, you are correct!!

On our travels, we always wonder if we are visiting places we will see again.   When safe to do so, we will be back to Cornwall, Hawaii, and Zion, among others. There are also places we drive or fly away from thinking that this is it: there are so many places in the world, our journeys will probably never bring us this way again. It is one of these roads we are heading back out on tomorrow.  Back in 2014, we flew into Reno, drove across Nevada, and flew out of Las Vegas. It was one of the weirdest trips we've ever been on.  One of our stops was Great Basin National Park, where they have bristlecone pines, but the snow level was too far down for us to see them. But it's like 100 degrees now, so that snow is long gone! We are heading to a "city" with a population of approximately 70, and 11 COVID cases in the entire county. We're going to be really hot, see some really old trees, and have an epic adventure. ;)  T&L are driving, not flying, which is our favorite way to travel.

Embarrassing hat? ✅

Play list? In the works -- gladly taking suggestions 
Cooler of food for 7 days? ✅
More sunscreen than seems reasonable? ✅
All the bottled water we could carry from Costco? ✅
Bags packed? 😂

We think we will have Wifi at our spot, so we hope, as always, that you'll journey along with us!

💟 T&L


  1. I thoroughly enjoy your embarrassing hat, and would wear it myself! Have so much fun...i look forward to following along in your adventures

  2. So glad you both could get away, hope you have a great time. Von
