We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, July 18, 2021

On the Road Again

You know that line in Sahara when Matthew McConaughey says something to the effect of ‘everything that’s ever happened to me has happened in the water’? Today, everything that happened to us, happened in a restroom. And I feel like the word “restroom” may upgrade some of the “establishments” that we visited.

Going back 7 hours, we’re on a summer road trip! We’re headed to the obscure and hopefully fantastic destination of Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. We feel that while this is a lesser known park, it might be slightly more known than last year’s destination of the Great Basin National Park, which as you may remember, was located approximately in the middle of nowhere. In comparison to Baker, Dickinson promises to be a downright metropolis. 

Somewhere in eastern Washington

One of us, you be the judge, has a somewhat complex relationship with public restrooms.  Do you really know what’s in there? And before your mind takes a somewhat questionable leap, I’m talking foxes (I don’t know why) and snakes. And other things which might bite, or kill, you. 😬 I have no shame (you knew it was me) in just walking away and holding it for another 50 miles. I tell you this so you can understand the adrenaline level I experienced after lunch when "it" happened. It was a very nice looking restroom — air conditioned, large, clean…. But then I saw it. The dreaded metal toilet bowl. Need I say more? But the devil you know, right? 

After a successful “encounter”, I flushed the toilet.  I mean, what exactly happened next is fuzzy, but it was a flush of unexpected proportion! And I screamed. And then I discovered that I was locked in the stall!! As my life flashed before my eyes, I believe I began shouting things like “Let me out of here” and “Help! I’m stuck”. And "Don't let me die in here!"  I DID turn the lock both ways, as instructed by my travel partner, but it was certainly stuck. Until the door swung open and I almost knocked myself unconscious with the door, and the giant purse hook nearly blinded me. Besides that, and the exploding soap dispenser 2 hours later, it was a fairly uneventful day. 

Tomorrow we rocket further down I-90. No one knows what kind of adventures await us!

Also, pro tip: If Apple Music, based on your preferences, suggests the “On the Road Again” duet with Willie Nelson and Alanis Morissette, your answer should be no. Just no. 😉

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