We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Bewildered Pig

This was a sign we saw early in the day, for what, I have NO IDEA! We went about 24 hours, and not as many miles as we had wanted without cell service. There are a great many things I would have wanted to look up in that time, including this mystery. Vineyard? Farm? Roadside attraction? I could probably Google it now and figure it out, but so many miles, and HOURS, have passed. Plus, the phrase took on a life of its own, and is now a common roadtrip phrase. Sort of like "Pork Makes a Great Gift" from our famed Gatlinburg trip. Why are all the road sides swine motivated? Ew.

These "bewildered pigs" were heading to the Monterey area today. It should have taken a little over 4 hours. I refuse to actually calculate how much time we were in the car, but it was all day, including a car picnic. We spent the first half of this long day on Highway 128 in Mendocino County. The mile markers said "128 Men" which was almost the title of this blog. 🤣  The posted mph was 55, but we spent the ride behind two cattle semis. And despite the "slow vehicles must turn out" signs, they did not. There is NO way we could have gone 55, but we might have gone faster than 12 mph. 

These semis should not have been on this road, as they had to drive in the opposite lane (even around a curve!) to make the turns. Lots of cars going in the opposite direction were slamming on their breaks. I was tempted to hang my head out of the window a la Harry and the Hendersons and make a siren sound, but I didn't. Mostly because it was nearly 100 degrees. I did wave at all the traffic behind us on one of the hair pin turns!

At the end of that wagon train was a bathroom and a chance to look at the map on WiFi. Thank you Starbucks! 

The rest of the day is a blur of traffic, traffic, and more traffic. So. Many. Cars. And so many lanes! How do people deal with this amount of traffic? I will gladly hop back in the summer line from Cannon Beach to Seaside after this! Perspective is everything.

Our hotel, happily, has a little bistro, and booths with their own TVs. We are watching FIFA soccer, and happily making plans for tomorrow. 

We appear to be the only hotel customers NOT part of the rodeo that's in town, so that's been fun people watching! ;)

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