We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Love on the Rocks, Shakerado Neat

When I was in 6th grade my mom took me to my first concert: Neil Diamond at Seattle Center. Is there anything like your first concert? The stage, the crowd, the showmanship? He was sparkling in sequins and made several costume changes over the course the night, which I loved. During "Heartlight" people took out lighters and swayed them back and forth in their outstretched arms.  I had never seen anything like that before. It was magical. Mom and I got t-shirts to remember the night. The next day, I wore that t-shirt to school, obviously. I'd been to a CONCERT!! I felt very grown up and cool. The shirt was white with pink and baby blue - I loved it.  Awkwardly, wearing her same shirt the next day at school, was my LA/SS teacher, Mrs Schoeppach. Obviously that made it cooler, right? RIGHT?? In my mind it totally did because she was a favorite. But honestly, how did middle school me have friends? LOL I've always been my own person, apparently. 

How does this relate to Bermuda, you ask? Well, on Friday night there was a cover artist. He actually tours doing Neil Diamond, and I have to tell you it was pretty uncanny how much he sounded like the original. Plus he wore black sequins! I was hoping to win some sort of an award for being the youngest in the audience to know all the lyrics, but no such award was given. Most of the hits were played, and we ALL sang Sweet Caroline. Is this the quintessential cruise show, a cover? Whatever, it was SO FUN!!!

Earlier in the day, we went to Hamilton, which is the main town in this section of the island. As today was day 2 of the Cup Match holiday, most stores and restaurants were closed, but we had fun just the same. 

Inlaid into the sidewalk. 

On the way back to the ship our driver stopped at one of the local beaches. It was so hot, but you have to see the beach! Mom walked down to the water and got her toesies wet. I labored down the stairs to the beach to see the pink sand, and called that the victory. :) 

This was a 7,000 step day, and it was hot. H O T. With two hours left until the boat departed, we decided to have lunch at Bonefish. Let's be honest, we decided to have frozen drinks, and thought what the heck, let's order food too! ;)

We love Bermuda. We think we might have visited previously in the spring, not the summer, but we still have loved our time here. The buildings are so colorful in pastel hues, and the water is a clear turquoise. We'd definitely love to come back!

The great think about cruising, is once you say goodbye to your destination, the vacation is not over. We look forward to some R&R and Shakerados at Cafe al Bacio tomorrow. 😊

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