We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, April 6, 2009

Animal Kingdom

Well, we started our "morning"  in search of coffee again (we learn slow...).   We ended up sleeping until 1pm, so coffee seemed important. I found a "coffee bar" in Animal Kingdom, so we headed out.  Coffee was drinkable, just not cravable. :)
We came to Animal Kingdom specifically for the Safari ride (I'm sure it has a real name, but I can't think of it right now). Unfortunately they were out of fast passes, and the wait was 110 minutes.  So we sort of stood around wondering what to do with our day. We were fortunate enough to overhear another woman say she needed to give her tickets away. So we jumped on that and headed for Safari.
This guy opened up his chompers just for us!
These guys were in the walking part of the Safari experience, and line up in this weird three "person" formation, that made me feel like we were being watched. Then one of them charged forward toward us, and I don't mind telling you I was a little freaked out!
We took a break in a little outdoor cafe.  The Animal Kingdom has done a great job of recreating the African and Asian areas. You forget you are at Disney and assume you might be in the real place. I was so convinced that I was abroad that I announced several times that I wasn't using the bathroom where we were ( you know how I am about bathrooms...).

Our last stop before dinner was a time waster called "It's Tough to be a Bug".  It was a 3D short movie aimed at kids to educate/entertain using bugs. We got to wear these really fun glasses!  And the movie was terrifying! I grabbed mom next to me several times as bugs, liquid and smoke shot out of the screen!!

And that brings us to the end of Day 2! Here's a few updates:
Hair: Despite the humidity we have had great hair
Shoes: Disappointingly I had to wear tennis shoes today, and mom wore socks with sandals (really, not as bad as it sounds). We have SO many blisters.
Weather: It rained today. Loved it.


  1. Only women I know who fly 3,000 miles to sleep in.

    Sweet dreams :)
