We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, April 6, 2009


You may wonder why we're blogging at 3am instead of just getting in to bed - we're waiting for dinner. Yes, dinner!!! We took advantage of Disney's Extra Magic hours this evening, and stayed at Magic Kingdom until 2:30!!! But before that we had a fun time at SeaWorld.

We began the day in true vacation style -- got out of bed at 10:30. The first travel complication is one that we are both quite used to, but still live in a fairytale land about -- coffee. You don't really realize how much you're from Seattle until there is not an espresso stand on every corner. We settled for a mocha cappuccino cooler that came out of a slurpee machine.... You can guess how much we loved that. :) SeaWorld was HOT!!!! I sweated, my feet swelled, and sweated some more. You know how much I love the heat.

It's spring at SeaWorld, which means animals left to their own devices will...mate. Ahhhh!! First the crayfish, and then the dolphins. Luckily I didn't have to explain this to 4th graders, although I heard quite a few parents struggling through a similar explanation (which sounded stupid even to me!!).

We watched the Shamu show, of course, but also the Sea Lion show. I thought it was hilarious, and laughed myself silly like the little boy behind me. Other favorites were the penguins and the actual sea lion exhibit (more mating behaviors....).

And then to the Magic Kingdom!! My first stop was to buy myself a set of ears. Anyone remember when I had an affinity for rabbit ears during college? I think I remember wearing one pair to a final.... Anyway, these are wonderful, and don't squeeze the life out of my head. You may wonder where else one can wear this, and I think I can find many appropriate spots.

We headed straight for Splash Mountain, because if I was going to puke, I wanted to get that ride in first. :) I did so well on that one, we headed to Thunder Mountain Railroad. Mom announced this was her favorite ride. Halfway through the line (which is small at 1 in the morning), I remembered that she loves fast rollercoasters... Due mainly to the drugs I had already consumed -- I LOVED it!! It was fast, and swervy and totally fun!!! We also hit Peter Pan, and Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood.

Aha!! The knock at the door means our "dinner" has arrived.
We're too tired for pictures -- maybe tomorrow!!!

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