We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, March 29, 2010

Get ready, set...VACATION!!!

My Monday began with a fire engine, an ambulance, and the declaration, "Your classroom might be on fire!" I work with a bunch of comedians, but this was the dead truth. And it was the ultimate Monday morning. :) Cliff notes for those of you who didn't get the blow-by-blow: power went out at school, burned out a motor above my room, room filled with smoke, school cancelled. Which brings us up to...SPRING BREAK!!! We are officially off in 5 days!!! This year, the trek will take us to the wilds of Tennessee. In our future is some driving (we love a road trip), a National Park (shocking!!!), and just some good old fashion girl fun (you know, movies, shopping, giggling, nails...).

See ya back here with some anecdotes and pictures from the road!!

1 comment:

  1. WHAAAAAT?????? I need to hear this story in person. Let's make a date soon. I think I need facial expressions and hand motions and not just a telephone account. Email or call me and we'll set up a time for this telling...how about beginning of May?
