We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Atlanta to Asheville

We don't have pictures for the day, nor do we have much to report. Well, that's not entirely accurate -- I had a GREAT hair day! And if you've been following the latest hair drama, that is in fact, news.

We spent the day en route from Atlanta (where we flew in yesterday) to Asheville, NC. We honestly do not have much to report. Well, we have learned that in GA, speeding is a sport, which we were not that equipped for (safety first dad!), and in SC small animals are losing a great battle against said speeding vehicles out of GA (Ewwww). There wasn't much else to see. Tall trees line the freeway, and you can't see over them. Mom drove, and I read aloud from the AAA books everything that was relevant (or even remotely relevant). So, we are buffed up on the history of the area, and are safely ensconced in our hotel room in Asheville. Also, I am practicing not using my fake Southern accent to say funny things (know your audience!). Instead I have turned to Faulty Towers and a British accent for my on-going commentary. :)

Tomorrow we plan to see the Biltmore Estate here in Asheville and then head to Smokey Mountains and Gatlinburg.


  1. You are so funny!!
    Can't wait to read about the travels....
    How was your Easter?

  2. This is my new FAVORITE blog. I don't think I have laughed so hard in a long time. Can't wait to hear about the adventures tomorrow! The Biltmore is sooo cool. Have fun!
