We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Friday, April 9, 2010

An Organized Riot

Before you jump on a plane to our rescue, Dad, never fear. "An organized riot" was how Archie Campbell lovingly referred to the Grand Ole Opry. We spent the day on the property driving around, shopping, eating, driving around, touring and enjoying music. We didn't really see the Organized Riot side of the Opry, though the grounds did feel that way at times. It's a complex that feels a little like driving around the Disney property in Florida, only without the road signs.

We took a tour of the Opry, and then came back for the show. It was fun to have seen the behind the scenes stuff before the show, to have an inside track. The show itself was fun to see because it is truly a historic program, and it was neat to be a part of it. We saw quite a variety of performers from Ashton Shepherd (has a single on the radio) to Little Jimmie Dickens (who sang a cut off his recent album, released in 1963). I believe Little Jimmie clocked in at 89 years old (and 4'11" if you're curious about the name). The program sort of tipped in the favor of the "oldies but goodies" but it was fun none the less. Highlights were Jean Shepard, Ashton Shepherd, T. Graham Brown, and Scooby-Doo (can't make this stuff up).

Somewhere along the line (I'm thinking it was at California Adventure after I got sick on the roller coaster) mom and I fell in love with Rainforest Cafe. We love the one in Vegas, and went to one last year at Disney. We were very glad to find one today at Opry Mills. They give you a free cup with your drink...we may be coming home with a couple.....

This is the 16th Spring Break trip we've been on (can that be right?), and we have determined that this was in fact, the weirdest. We have seen so many strange things, many of which were cut on the editing floor and didn't make the blog (it's for the best). We've laughed quite a lot, which makes for a great trip, no matter where we are. Though Dad doesn't believe we're capable of this, we're thinking of maybe choosing a destination for next year where we go to one place, stay there, and come home. Think we can do it? Stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

  1. In no particular order: a) U. R. right, I do NOT believe you'll go one place and hang there for the whole time; b) you can't have been doing "Spring Break" for 16 years because that would make me.... ummm... "too young to be this damn old"; c) using the article "an" before "historic" -- that's the private education sneaking up on you when your least expect it... you mother and I are so proud; and d) it's 1:25 AM and I'm still cleaning up from this week. See ya tomorrow! -- YD
