We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Don King and a Coupla Truckers

A different title for this post might have been, “Alcohol was definitely a factor.” We just got back from the hotel’s luau. With no big plans set in stone for the evening, we thought we would give it a try – why not? Well one of the reasons would be the group seating. I love the public. Actually, they were entertaining until the open bar really set in. Two of the ladies at our table were sisters, and the other two were truck drivers (and had the vocabulary to prove it!).

The luau itself was fun – the food was great, and the performers were of course amazing. The “host” was a cross between Don King and Bob Saget (yeah, the jokes were that good…). If you’ve ever been to a luau, you know the best part is the fire dancer. This guy did not disappoint!!

Other than that, today was a relax day! We slept in, then spent the day on the beach. Our beach is apparently one of the best snorkel beaches around, so we made good use of our snorkel gear and headed out in search of fishies.

The beach is nice and flat and then slopes at quite a severe angle in to the water. It’s great when you are sitting on the beach because the water rarely comes up over the slope to where people have towels and books etc. If you are in the water trying to, I don’t know, put on flippers, it’s tragic. The wave powers up the slope, and then drags out to sea, taking everything with it. One second you are standing up, and the next you are either rolling around in the sand or treading water quite a few feet from shore. Mom was holding all the snorkel gear while I was putting one flipper on when we first experienced this phenomenon. The wave tossed me and my flipper around, and when I finally righted myself, mom is laughing hysterically, treading water with ALL of our gear. It was challenging, and hilarious.

We didn’t see a ton of fish on this snorkel trip, but we both saw a giant sea turtle. This one must have been pretty old because he was not only gynormous, but sort of beat up. Their coloring is so camouflaging with the reef, that they come out of no where. This guy swam right below me, and fortunately, mom got to see him this time. We watched him from a distance for a while before his slipped between two reefs. I’ve pretty much lost interest in fish, and I’m all about the turtles. J

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