We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We'll Be Back!

It was with a somewhat heavy heart that we headed back to the Mainland after our fabulous vacation. Maui was fantastic -- beautiful, lush and....we want to go back!! We're exploring the idea of going back every other year. Is it wrong to plan that far ahead? :) Here are some parting images of paradise!


  1. you guys are totally adorable. I love it. I think we need a judy, ann , ann and erica trip soon.

  2. a.)You don't have any idea how much I wish I could have heard you when your brakes weren't working...since you weren't hurt in the end.
    b.)Your dad doesn't have to make up any of his screen play material.
    c.) Josh Piper reads your blog?
    d.)You got up before 8 AM twice on this trip????
    e.)I sure do miss you.
    f.)Thanks for handing me a lot of laughs at 10:30 on a Tuesday evening whilst all my kids and Tadd are asleep : )
