We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 7 & 8: Viva Las Vegas!!

Well, I guess Day 8 isn't really a Vegas, but since Day 7 didn't end until 3 o'clock in the morning, I'm going to go ahead and count our travel day as an actual vacay day. :)

On Saturday we experienced your basic Vegas day. We slept in, had massages, coffee and went shopping. And no, I didn't load up on shoes, but it wasn't for lack of trying!  Maybe a couple of dresses though... Then, we took short naps so we would have it in us for the long haul at night! First, we traveled from the Westin where we were staying, to MGM to eat at Craftsteak.

Here's a quick Vegas tip -- know what's going on around town before you set out! We arrived at MGM with literally thousands of people: Fight Night! If you're thinking Ocean's Eleven, you're thinking right! Wall to wall people in every direction (and all sorts of get-ups!).  Craftsteak was amazing. Literally the best food I've ever eaten. They had a special tasting menu for the fight, so we got to taste a little bit of everything: soup, three salads, two steaks, four sides and four desserts.  I wouldn't have ordered any of it, so it was perfect to try new things.  

From MGM we traveled to Rio to see Penn & Teller. Next time you're in Vegas, you have to see this show! Of course, it's magic, but it's such a smart show -- a highlight of the trip. And then, if it's 11pm in Vegas, what to do? We flitted around from casino to casino, playing some penny slot machines and mingling with the weirdest people we've ever seen. :)  

Next year? We're not sure. After a road trip year, we love to have a stay-in-one place trip. We probably will give Maui a serious thought.  Here's a look back at our trip:

Favorite Thing You Saw
Ann:  I loved driving in to Lake Tahoe because it was everything you'd heard about: clear blue water and tall ponderosa pines.
Erica:  I think Belmont Mine was my favorite, but actually, the discovery of Hamilton Cemetery a couple of hours before was so exciting.  I still can't believe we found those places way out in the hills!

Favorite Dirt Road
Ann:  The one to Hamilton.
Erica:  Me too! There was a little excitement because there were some snow covered places, and basic anticipation of finding something amazing.  You know, and the other truck in the ditch… 
Ann:  Yes, it was a little scary and took all of my excellent driving skills. ;)

Favorite Food
Ann:  I think the pea risotto at Craftsteak. 
Erica: Duh.  Craftsteak. I think the Lobster Bisque in particular was my favorite. I don't like lobster, and I don't really like soup…but this was the best thing I have ever tasted.

Favorite Food Outside of Vegas
Ann:  I think the waffle panini in Virginia City -- it was so unanticipated.  
Erica: I'm going to go with the coffee at the Flower Basket in Ely.  So unexpectedly delicious. 

Favorite Photo
Ann:  I liked many of the ones Erica took with the noir filter. 
Erica:  I love the one I took with the "noir" filter of the two old houses in Hamilton.  

Favorite Small Town Moment
Ann:  Getting coffee at the Flower Basket in Ely, especially the second day.  The little old lady was so cute!
Erica:  The bathroom stop in Austin was really my favorite. Obviously the bathroom was a necessity, but that woman was so nice!

Best Thing in Vegas
Ann:  Two things; the Penn & Teller Show, and coming back to the tranquility of the Westin after the chaos of the strip.
Erica: Craftsteak or Penn & Teller? Toss up? But I'm leaning towards Penn & Teller...

Weirdest thing in Vegas
Ann:  I don't want to talk about it.
Erica:  The night is a little bit of a blur at this point.  I will say this: the Victoria's Secret "angel" with the Johnny Depp pirate was not even close to the weirdest thing.  Fight Night brings out the strange in everyone….

What You'd Go Back to See
Ann:  I'd go back to Lake Tahoe, and I'd also see another Penn & Teller show.
Erica: I'm not sure this is a trip you repeat, but I would like to go back to Great Basin to see the bristlecone pine trees (they were just out of reach above the snow line). 

Thanks for traveling with us! We always have such a good time with each other, and we love sharing our adventures with everyone!


  1. Not sure I have enough stamina to do a Spring break road trip with T&L, but I love journeying with you. Travel home safe ... J xoxo

  2. Thanks for sharing your travels with us! I had no idea such great parks existed in Nevada - makes me ready for a road trip!
