We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thelma and Louise Ride Again!

Some of you may remember five years ago when there was a small fire above my classroom at Opstad. What is it about the week before Spring Break? On Sunday when my principal called to tell me the roof flew off the portables, I was standing in a pool of water IN MY HOUSE. I actually burst out laughing, because of the absurdity of the day. Tarp on the roof at school, emergency plumber here and gone, and now? VACATION!!!!

If you're keeping track, it's a Hawaii year. But...our shoes are already full of sand, so we are headed for the urbanity of Washington, DC.  It won't be poolside with a green flash colada, but I can't wait. I'm trying to pace myself emotionally for the drama of such a powerful walk through history. I don't know dates, and I'm not very political, but I love the story of our nation.   At the moment we're knee deep in the American Revolution at school, so I'm a little wrapped up in being a true Patriot...

Spring Break is truly one of the best weeks of the year. Our adventure kicks off on Saturday, the 21st. Hope you'll be armchair travelers with us!


  1. I love Washington, DC!!!! I love the Smithsonian Museum of American History! I stood in front of George Washington's pants!

  2. That is #1 on my list! Well, not the pants per se, but there are so many different treasures there!

  3. Tolliver is excited about making cameo appearances in photos and prose.

  4. Travel safe T&L ... Let the merriment begin. xoxo
