We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, March 23, 2015

We Cannot Live Without Books

What else is more thrilling for a couple of literarians than a giant library?  The Library of Congress was so...epic.  The building itself is gorgeous. The colors and the details are truly amazing. You're already in awe before you even think about the fact that it is a library. 

Our favorite part was definitely Thomas Jefferson's library. 

Two thirds of what he donated was destroyed by fire and they have worked to replace those lost pieces so the original collection is in tact. That leads me to wonder if I should begin keeping a record of my library. You know, so years after my demise one of you can work to keep the collection in tact. Ha! 
One of my favorite features was the apparent whim in organization: "sometimes analytical, sometimes chronological, and sometimes a combination of both". What a relief! As many of you know, I am emphatic about the alphabetization of my books, but there are exceptions I can't quite explain. Me and Jefferson--great minds? ๐Ÿ˜‰

After our tour, we went across the street to get our Library cards. Really-how cool!! I was unamused with the worker (she had a slight attitude), and am unfortunately displaying a teacher face. Yikes! 

To be fair, Mom's is the same, but I won't embarrass her with publishing it. ๐Ÿ˜Š And then, here's the coolest part of the day. We made our way to the Law Library Reading Room and used our freshly printed cards to request materials. It was late in the day, so we will go to do our "research" tomorrow.  What did we request?  Yes, it's what you're thinking. More on that tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜‰

We had dinner at Cuba Libre--so good. We ordered the tasting menu to try a little of everything. Probably won't order yellowfin tuna anytime soon, but it was good to try!  We've had such good food here. Starbucks every morning doesn't hurt--happy girls!!

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