We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Arlington and a Lost Apostrophe

This morning we drove to Arlington National Cemetery. Yes--drove! More on that later. Arlington was everything you think--ominous, overwhelming...heavy.  

We went with the crowds to Kennedy's Eternal Flame and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and then on our own to section 35 to visit a friend. 

Dave was awarded the Purple Heart in Korea--he and AJ became part of our story when he and Dad shared a law office in the 80s. 

We were glad to visit Dave and can't wait to tell AJ. :)

Also? We were very very wet. 

That's not a weird Druid hood, or a plastic bag that Mom is wearing. In real (dry) life that is a cute shirt!

After Arlington we headed to Solomons Island. All day the lack of an apostrophe has really been getting us down. Well, it might be nagging one of us a little more than the other.  The island was named for Isaac Solomon... therefore isn't it his (possessive) island? I digress. 

It was amazing to get out of the city and see some water! We found a great restaurant looking out over Chesapeake Bay. 

We managed to drive back in to the city during rush hour!! Well one of us was driving and one of us was repeating everything Siri said. "I have one job to do...!"  Galaxy Quest anyone? While stressful (the ambulance, the tailgating, the shoulder driving on the freeway 😳), it was no big deal. This fearless traveler once drove us out of Rome!!

White House tomorrow!


  1. Druid ... Hmmm. Anything is possible in Actonland. The Wall - are you going?

  2. I love reading your comments every day! :) We went on Sunday to the Vietnam Memorial as part of the tour we went on. It was at dusk, but that might have made it more powerful. ~E

  3. I think I would find it powerful at any time of day. But then I'm a Vietnam war bride. Sorry, Ann, that you're not seeing cherry blossoms. Weird early Spring here - Skagit tulips in full voice already. xoxo T&L

  4. Me again ... Do you have a selfie stick or just long arms?

  5. Long arm. :) I am slightly taller... Ha!
