We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Archives and Portraits

I'm sure that every day will be like this: today we felt immersed in history.  We started the day at the National Archives visiting the Charters of Freedom. Isn't that just cool to say?  Did I already say I'm a Revolutionary War nut? The whole idea and process of a new nation gives me shivers.   I loved seeing the Declaration. My favorite part is that it is "united States of America" with a lowercase "u". Ironic that as a proper noun "United" has lost some of its weight. I know, blah, blah -- we're not in 5th grade (and yes, this is what it's like in my class in the Spring!).   No pictures of the inside, for obvious reasons, but the outside is not too shabby!

Because we slept late, we literally were running to get to our allotted time (although apparently my fitbit wasn't impressed with that little jaunt).  After roaming the the rest of the Archives (go Suffragists), we were in need of a sit-down lunch. We both ordered "Eggs Benedict".  It's weird, right?

And then we went on to the Portrait Gallery. We didn't even come close to seeing everything, but we enjoyed the galleries of American Origins and Presidential Portraits.  Around president 26 (Teddy Roosevelt) we petered out.  Being a tourist is hard work! We were so happy to find the atrium for a little snack and a seat. Well, and a selfie (or two).  Can you tell we're a little rummy at this point? You know, without actual rum?  ;)

We finished up the day with a twilight tour of the Monuments (thanks Marisa for the rec!!).  Two ideas have settled firmly in our hearts. One -- wow.  What a great nation. How lucky are we that there were people who came before us who were idealists and visionaries that held fast to those beliefs.  Whew. The Monuments were so beautiful at night, and the weight of history was heavy -- in a good way.

The second idea that we agree upon whole heartedly is that middle school is too young for a DC tour.  OMG -- they're everywhere! I myself went on a DC tour in 8th grade. Please, please tell me I was less of a hooligan.  I didn't do anything embarrassing and teacher like, but it was oh so close. ;)

Tomorrow? Library of Congress! And...who knows what else!!  Good night!

1 comment:

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