We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My Gecko Does Tricks (And Other Nail Colors)

Today we have been to a law library, attended the funerals of eight presidents and had our nails done -- big day. 

The day started, thankfully, at Starbucks. Our casual conversation was thwarted by the massive amount of passionate conversation going on around us. There may or may not have been a revolution brewing next to us. In Warrenton (our home Starbucks), you are likely to hear about the latest razor clam dig. Some of these people could benefit from beach life!

Our next stop was back at the Library of Congress in the Madison Building. This is not the tourist stop from across the street, and the guards very curiously asked if we were in the right place. What makes us look like we don't belong? Pink lip gloss, beachy jewelry, sparkly shoes? Ha! 

Our requested materials were right where they were promised to be. 

1986--2002.  :) What a gift to see it and touch it outside of our own offices. 

 It even has a LOC call number and binding. 

Is it wrong to take a selfie in the Law Library? 

We figure it's our history- why not?  :)

After pretending to finish up our legal research, we headed to the Smithsonian's Museum of American History. We didn't have time to see it all, but we did see American Presidency and the First Ladies' Dresses. The take away? Michelle Obama's inagauration dress is truly beautiful and Dolley Madison kicked butt. We also learned random presidential facts which I hope to regurgitate into random conversation later.  ;)

We got our nails done (gecko green for me), and I got  a much needed haircut (several inches!). Another great day. But then, isn't every day on Spring Break great? 

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