We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Friday, March 27, 2015

Thelma & Louise Visit The White House

You know how you get amped up for something and the actual experience falls flat? This was nothing like that. 

Somehow the inside of the White House was ornate and simple at the same time. I love the presidency as a general office and seeing where dinners and meetings and receptions have been held was amazing. Walking in the footsteps of these great men--shivers. 

Beyond the history, we loved the rich colors. They were bold without being  overwhelming. I wish we could've have taken pictures, but at the same time I'm grateful that we weren't allowed to; the memory is much more special than the pictures ever would have been. 

Really, that's the big event of the day! We spent the afternoon lolly-gagging around. Vacationing is exhausting! ;)

We did have an incredible meal at "Lincoln". It's a trendy place inspired by some of Abraham Lincoln's favorite foods. 

Tomorrow we head home, but not before hitting the zoo!


  1. Been following the two of you this week. Looks like the two of you have had a wonderful vacation again. DC is so pretty at night. Glad you got to do the White House tour, amazing and when you think of all the important people that had walked before you, it does give you shivers. At least it gave me shivers when I was there, so much history. Nice zoo, hope you get to see the giant panda's. Have a safe trip home. Cheryl

  2. It's strange to see you both bundled up in jackets. Winter is such a thing of the past here. Way warm today; blue skies and sunshine.
    Safe travels home. PDX is said to have a very nice fiber-arts installation . xoxo

  3. Looking forward to the closing scenes!
