We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, March 21, 2015

We're here!

It was a looooong travel day that started before 6 o'clock. The problem with living off the beaten path in the lap of luxury is that it takes a little more effort to get to the airport. As long as I can remember Sea-Tac has been 45 minutes away (from everywhere!). It took a bit longer to get to PDX, but honestly, what a nicer airport!

We are here now, having survived the plane ride, and more unbelievably the shuttle ride. I still have a slight hand cramp from clutching the seatbelt so tightly.  To say it was harrowing is a vast understatement.  We were victorious in that neither of us shrieked, puked or swore. ;)

After getting settled (dropping our stuff inside the door!), we headed out to see something (anything!) before sundown.  After Cannon Beach living, the city is a little like Vegas -- the sounds and sights (and smells...) can be a little overwhelming. But then, you see something like this...

Such an amazing city -- can't wait to see more of it tomorrow.

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