We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

Today's blog was going to be called "A Scientist and a Historian", but that was before we got caught in our second thunderstorm. A fairly extensive forest fire in the North Rim of the Grand Canyon has created landslides that come across several roads during heavy rains. We were lucky to drive to Walhalla Canyon today, because the road was closed yesterday, and I assume, based on the current rainfall, closed again. But back to the beginning...

The day started at Oscar's cafe with some killer iced coffee and French toast battered in Frosted Flakes. I kid you not. They were grrrrrreat! 😉 An especially amazing turn of events after I mistook the hotel mouthwash for shower gel. 😳  

After breakfast we headed to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. We've both been to the other side (though not together!). Even being prepared for its vastness, it's breathtaking. 

We both have our breaking points with altitude. Thelma found her's at 12,000 at Yosemite. Louise found her's at 10,000 feet at Haleakala. New info today: at 8,000 feet Louise just cries. So when we stepped out of the car, L burst in to tears. And every other stop afterwards...  It's really so amazing. This is what National Parks are all about: natural wonders that take your breath away time and time again. 

As I said before, the original title was "A Scientist and a Historian". Or possibly: A Surveyor and Her Sidekick. One of us soaks in all the geology and seeks to always know her position on Earth. The other one solidifies herself in historical references, basking in the footsteps of the likes of Teddy Roosevelt. 

Honestly, what a gift these parks are, and thank goodness for the foresight of the people who sought to protect them so long ago. 

Besides the Canyon itself, we got a good look at the Fuller Fire aftermath: scorched land, erosion, and probably the most telling: a really dirty, weary NPS fire team. 

So, a full day! We're now driving into the lightning, dodging cows, mule deer, and singing to our duets playlists.

'Til tomorrow! 😘

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