We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, August 1, 2016

Summer edition of T & L!!!

Guess what happens tomorrow?  Well, it's a Tuesday during the election cycle, so shouldn't there be another convention on? :) Ha! I drank ALL of both of the red and the blue cool aide and need some detox. So... it's time for a summer edition of Thelma & Louise!  Woohoo!!! Several years ago (before we started blogging), we spent a Spring Break exploring Bryce, Arches & Zion. Ever since we have wanted to go back and do the Narrows hike at Zion (the water was too high in early spring).  So here we go!!

Today, in preparation, I am doing laundry, packing, removing kitty #2 from the suitcase, putting back the items that kitty #1 unpacked (hair ties, socks, pencils), "encouraging" kitty #2 not to chew on my new backpack and looking forward to several FF (feline free) days. The new development today is that they both want to be near me, AND play with each other. Insert wide-eyed emoji.  I'm barely alive.

The other thing I'm doing is making a new playlist. We are flying in to Vegas, so there's a road trip too!!! A National Park AND a road trip? Pinch me!!!  Of course it will include our favorites: Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again" and Indigo Girls' "Get Out the Map". But then, since we're driving out of Vegas, I'm going to have to include a little Elvis, and I'm thinking about throwing in some Helen Reddy as a nod to current events.

As always, I have more to say, but I have to go defend my new hiking boots from kitty #2.  Aren't they cute? The boots, people...

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