We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Friday, March 25, 2016

Smarter at Sealevel?

I'm looking for research, opinions, or anecdotal evidence about whether a person's IQ might be lower at higher elevations. Specifically this person's... The year we went to Haleakala we found out I can barely walk a straight line at 10,000 feet. Today at 6,000 feet the Spanish language had me in fits. The word "puerco" was exceedingly hilarious. Still is. Can't type it without giggling. At one point I shouted that we were at map stop "numero nino". 😳 So close... Needless to say, there was a lot of random hilarity.

Today we went to Petrified Forest National Park which was an unexpected gem. We expected a petrified forest, but we saw so much more. Each stop in the park held something new. Of course the geology was really shining with lots of colors and layers on display. 

Also in the park is a section of Route 66 that NPS has preserved. The original highway crosses in to the park and was the main way that people saw the petrified forest at the turn of the century. 

Across the Puerco River we saw Puerco Pueblo. I kid you not...puerco, puerco, puerco. I did not see one pig today. Or a javalina for that matter.  One more elevation note: I've picked up a significant speech impediment today. Maybe that's why it's so funny.  

This ancient village was easy to imagine as a bustling community. Only a portion is excavated-they estimate that there are over 100 rooms all together. The petroglyphs were amazing too. 

There was one that we couldn't capture with the camera, but it was a sun symbol that was situated in front of another rock such that the sun hits it only in the middle of the day on the Summer Solstice. 

And then the show stopper: Crystal Forest. 

Although not as hot as the rest of the week, it was still extremely difficult to imagine this area as the tropical forest it once was. The landscape truly sparkled. 

And now we head "home" to Phoenix. Long day, but well worth it. We're listening to my iTunes in alphabetical order. It's a real blend: Enya comes after Elton John and before Garth Brooks. We're already in the Is-yeah for Indigo Girls!!

G'Night Travelers!

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are telling a great story with the photos ... journey on with at least one set of eyes on the road ahead! Luv ya
