We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Friday, March 25, 2016

Shopping, Sandpaper & Sunburns

I only mention the sunburn because I have an amusing one. I am super vigilant with sunscreen because I burn so easily. I missed a spot. 😩 On the front of my right shoulder I have a small sunburn in the shape of West Virginia. Probably wouldn't have chosen that one...

We spent the middle of the week just chillin'! There's an outlet mall near our hotel that we may have visited several times, and we found another mall close by. What can I say? We're shoppers!

We also spent a day by the pool.

What's not to love about pool side? Actually, I will tell you. This:

Cute? Noooo. This bird has just taken over the top spot of Most Annoying Bird. It's an extensive list...

The rest of our down time was spent hydrating. I've consumed more Gatorade this week than an entire Final Four team (see how relevant I can be? 😉). Also we found a new drink: Mule. Sounds delicious, right? Organic, even. Ha! The one at our hotel is called the Gila River Mule and has lime, ginger agave, ginger beer and tequila. We also had a version at Ling & Louie's (best Chinese food ever!). 

Well, I must go. Time to dip ones self in lotion. My skin is like sandpaper, my lips cracked... Oh, and my hair is straight!  

Vacation on!

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