We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Saguaros, Shopping & Sandpaper

It's not really Spring Break until we're driving down a dirt road that is of, at best, questionable quality. And so, Spring Break officially started on Monday at Saguaro National Park. 

We know, inherently, that national parks are created to protect a natural wonder. And still, every time, we are amazed. This wonder was a forest of saguaro cactus. Sure, you've seen a cactus before, but how about acres of them? Cactus, as you well know, are desert creatures, so we planned to see them on the day that they would be happiest. It was mid 90s all day, which for girls from the coast is HOT!!! 

While trying to remain hydrated, we learned quite a bit about these desert giants. By the time they "sprout" arms, they are around 70 years old. Giants like the one below can be around 200 years old! 

The bulk of the park can be seen from a a nice driving loop. One of us drove, one of us interacted with the cactus. Really, they are quite amusing. Or offensive, depending on which way their arms are pointing... Regardless, belly laughs we're had by all, and lots of Beeker impersonations. 

We also took a short hike to see some petroglyphs. It was a very short hike, but we were dripping by the end, and my Gatorade ran out...game over. 

This little blogger is beat-shopping and sandpaper tomorrow!! 


  1. Especially love the b/w photos ... definitely some wall wear among those. Nice job T or L :)

  2. Just read your blog on this trip...this mother/daughter traveling team will be headed to AZ in June! You are hitting some of the spots I am just learning about!!! Anxious to read more! Enjoy!!!
