We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, March 13, 2016

One More Day; One Day More

Okay, it's not actually one more day until Spring Break, but I REALLY wanted to use that for the title. :) I drove to Chelan last week to visit a friend, and fought the French Revolution the whole way there. Um, and back. Even though I know this soundtrack by heart, I'm a little obsessive while listening (we're talking Les Mis here), and play back the songs until I have them right. That will pretty much eat up a 14 hour car trip.

Onward -- Spring Break officially kicks of next Friday after my last conference, so say, about noon!! Woohoo! Where are we going, you ask? Some of you may think you know the answer, but things are changing faster than the feudal system in France (I'm so amused by myself...).  Originally we had planned on visiting the Channel Islands National Park in California. Other than it being a National Park (and the setting for Island of the Blue Dolphins) we were excited to kayak around the islands, particularly in the caves that are present there. Unfortunately a winter storm knocked out the dock where the ferry lands, so the kayaking trip got a whole lot more complicated.

Picking a new destination for our trip proved a little tricky.  We ended up making a list of all the National Parks we hadn't been to that were not under 10 feet of snow. I lobbied hard for Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas. My point was that if we intend to visit all of the parks, we will have to go to Arkansas at some point. Mom's point was....it's Arkansas.

After much debating and pondering, we settled on Arizona and the Petrified Forest National Park and Saguaro National Park. In addition, there are a lot of National Monuments in the area that we can see.  It's been quite a few years since we went to the Southwest, so we're excited! Plus, and it's a big plus, it is supposed to be warm and dry, two things I hardly remember.

Valjean and Javert don't mesh in my mind with pueblos and canyons, so I am off to find a more appropriate sound track. Tune in (ha!) next Friday as Thelma and Louise embark on their next adventure! :)


  1. Always tuned in to your adventures 😘

  2. Looking forward to reading about your fun time in Arizona. Cheryl
