We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Casa Grande

That working title isn't very fun unless you can hear the voice intonation I was giving it.  We woke up a little groggy this morning, and because I had the bed last night, I took over the hard part of planning. I know, you're probably thinking, WHAT? YOU MADE YOUR MOTHER SLEEP ON A HIDA-BED? Nope. We actually made a Punky Brewster type contraption out of it and the remaining couch cushions. So you see, it was much, much cooler than a traditional hida-bed. Plus which, I fell out of a hida-bed two weeks ago.  That's not actually what happened, but it sounds less stupid than what did... 

Anyway, I found us a Starbucks (hallelujah!) and then the closest National Monument in the area. One of the exciting things about traveling is driving down a road where you've never been, and wondering what you will find on the other side.  The other thing that is nice is finding something that seems familiar, like the good old green and brown of the National Park Service. Feels like an old friend by now. As I mentioned, this was my scheduling, and as mom was the driver, she was just being told where to go, not much else. As we parked and walked closer, she all but squealed, "Is that an interpretative center too?"  We are geeky about all things NPS.

Casa Grande is exactly what it sounds like -- a big house. It was built by the ancient Sonoran Desert people who lived and farmed there about 600 years ago. Fun fact: In 1892, it became the first prehistoric/cultural reserve in the US. 

And then, we were hot. Not sick to your stomach hot (well, slightly...), but more, happy hot. It's so sunny here! And dry. No rain boots, no waterproof jacket... Feels heavenly.

Rounded out the evening with a nap, shopping and dinner at Z'Tejas (I know!!!).  I'm not sure what's on tap for tomorrow; while I've been typing over here, Thelma (or is it Louise...) has been poring over guide books. Whatever it is, it's going to be FUN!!! G'Night!! 


  1. Oh, yeah... the words every husband longs to hear on vacation, "Is that an interpretive center?" I think this is why they started broadcasting professional sports... so we could be left in the hotel.

  2. Joe,green and brown aren't your colors?

  3. Hi Thelma and Louise
    "We are geeky about all things ___" fill in the blank. :)
    Luv ya
