We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Scarlet Letter

It's all about the hook as a writer, right? ;) When I was at the doctor last week getting my Rx for motion sickness, he told me a "quaint" little story about how the drug he was prescribing me may have been what poisoned the character (husband? priest?) in The Scarlet Letter. It's always nice to hear the whacked out things a drug might be capable of. But, I've had this anti-nausea patch before, and it worked like a charm, so I wasn't worried. You know, until today, WHEN MY RIGHT PUPIL WAS WAY LARGER than the left.

Of course side effects didn't occur to me first. First, I took to Google to find the other terrifying things that could be happening to me. I spent a little bit of time deciding whether or not I had a traumatic brain injury (honestly, that would explain so much, right?).  ;)  By the time mom joined me back at the room, the hysteria had died down, and I had settled on drug side effects. Another side effect is being really tired. After breakfast, I slept for almost 4 hours.  Needless to say, I ripped that patch right off, and am going to save the other one for our boat ride later in the week. I will say, that while my eyeballs look liked I'm all hyped up on something, that patch worked like a charm -- no problem with turbulence on the plane. Whew!

After I woke up and was ready to start participating in our vacation, we hit the beach. I LOVE snorkeling. So much.  There aren't a lot of interesting fish right off the beach at Kaanapali, and the current was really strong today, so we didn't go far. But I saw a turtle! I love those guys so much!  We remembered that the reason you swim with a buddy isn't necessarily for safety, but so someone can either hold your stuff while you put on your flippers (while trying not to drown), or so you can put someone else's flipper on for them (while trying not to drown). Ha!

Several of you will be happy to know that my alcoholic beverage intake for 2017 now sits at 2. Maybe 2.15. Guava mimosa, a small portion of a mai tai, and a mango lava flow.    I don't think I even drank a coke today! Yes, there are pictures to prove it. ;)  Location, location, location. :)

Tomorrow we have almost nothing on our agenda. We're thinking about going to the gym. snorkeling and going in to Lahaina for dinner. But it's vacation, so we can do whatever! It is paradise and we're just so jazzed to be here together. 

1 comment:

  1. Several of us are happy to know you have doubled your intake of alcoholic beverages to two (2) over the course of the last 3 months. We are thinking of doing a reverse intervention, however. In the meantime, all of CB wants to know if those drinks will ship because none can be made here. Make your father proud... drink more on vacation or how will you know you were on vacation? I'm beginning to think there was a switch at the hospital.
