We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Thelma & Louise: In Search of Sunshine

The only thing standing between me and days full of Hawaiian sunshine are...
...report cards and conferences.

I had all weekend to finish.  Eek! I spent Saturday providing comic relief at the vet clinic, sleeping off the ensuing benadryl (7 dogs in the waiting room...), picking out my kitchen cabinets, and eating gourmet chocolates in the bathtub while reading a mystery (Sour Apples, by Sheila Connolly). Today, I went to the dump (closed), had an awesome burger in a bar (yes, I ordered a pepsi), bought a pantry, "installed"the  cabinets and pantry (three times in one case),  looked for something (unsuccessfully) in my classroom, and am now wasting more time by blogging.

Obviously, I will finish, and then HAWAII for T & L's 23rd (!!!) vacay.  We are both incredibly excited for sunshine and nearly nothing to do. Obviously there will be adventures (there are always adventures!) but it will be an honest to goodness vacation.  Happy sigh.

Wheels up on Saturday -- more to come!



  1. Will be joining you on your adventure to Hawaii this week. Always fun to read what the two of you are up too. Ann, you know Maui is my favorite island followed very closely is Kauai. So have fun and enjoy the sunshine. Cheryl in Florida!
