We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, March 19, 2022


This is Thelma coming to you live from Spring Break #28.  Can that be right? If so, we are taking suggestions now for Spring Break #30. For 25 we went to England, so suggest accordingly… 😉 Louise is currently in rental car hell. But she looks good in her new pink sweatshirt! (JJill has the cutest stuff right now!)  I recently texted her that remember, it could be Atlanta... 🤣 We have never flown to Atlanta and rented a car without returning said car 8-12 times. That might be a slight over-exaggeration. And actually I jinxed it on the way in saying this whole travel day had been down right easy. Which is comical because right before we thought we were leaving Seattle, the captain came onto the intercom to inform us that we had no fuel! Um, whoops? And then there was some broken indicator that wasn’t allowing it to fuel correctly. At one point he informed us that we still needed 2,000 lbs more of fuel. The doomsday whiskey drinker on the aisle called his son to tell him he were switching planes, which might have been a tad over-reactionary as we were in the air 7 minutes later. The captain could have given us slightly less information for a 20 minute delay. The flight was relatively short, as I was lost in a good book the whole time. I had a good cry at the end, making the whiskey drinker order his 4th.... Back to the rental car drama. The line does seem to be moving, and it’s been awhile since I’ve heard the words “system down” uttered, so I imagine this too shall pass. In the meantime, I have broken in to the snacks that Louise had holed up in her carry-on.

Where are we you might? I’m asking myself that very question. Ha! As you know, T&L have an affinity for National Parks. We briefly considered revisiting an old favorite, but we also longed for brand new adventure. As we were listing the National Parks that we hadn't been to, Louise piped up that she had always wanted to go to MOBOT. I'll let you gardeners nerd out on that for awhile.

Louise has moved to the front of the line, so I should, you know, put away my personal activity and look like I've been experiencing this horror show right along with her. I so owe her a margarita....



  1. Even in masks, you both are gorgeous! I love this picture!

  2. You both look amazing. Have a great time.
