We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Friday, March 25, 2022

The Pig Lizard at the Zoo

Once you start with move/tv references, it's hard to stop. 😉 The pig lizard is the creature that "exploded and turned inside out" after they used the digitizer in Galaxy Quest. While we use that quote quite a bit, we haven't seen a pig lizard before.  They call it a "takin" here, and it seemed to have considerably less teeth (and drool) than a pig lizard. 

We spent the day at the St Louis Zoo!

It was another cold and rainy day here in St Louis, and while we wished for different clothes, and tried on ear muffs, we had a wonderful day exploring this FREE zoo.

Besides the pig lizards, we saw lots of animals. Maybe because of the breezy conditions, or maybe because they were happy to see us, the animals were super active. We saw bears digging holes, monkeys running around in their overhead canopies, hippos frolicking about, and painted dogs herding each other around. 

Before we rolled up on the penguins, the bears and zebras were our favorite stops. But the penguins! It's a good thing they are separated from the rest of the animals so there isn't a lot of jealousness about their humorous charm. Despite the frigid conditions, we stayed in the penguin habitat for quite some time. There were some zookeepers in the exhibit trouble shooting a sprinkler problem and restocking the ice. And the penguins were giving them the business! The king penguins were following the every move of the workers, while the rockhopper penguins in the other exhibit were nearly losing their minds with squawking. My favorite was a gentoo penguin, who despite the chaos, seemed to be taking some personal time on a snorkel tour. What fun creatures!

We were SO COLD today! We've reminded ourselves (or tried) that this isn't the coldest we've been on Spring Break. We were ill prepared for the winter storm in Jasper National Park. or the snow in Santa Fe. We expected temperatures about 10 degrees higher, but it hasn't ruined our fun! 

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