We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, March 26, 2023

At Sea

Was it conferences? The entire month of February? The night flight? Probably a combination of all of it; regardless, we slept almost 12 hours last night! Missed breakfast by a long shot.  We stumbled out of our Burt and Ernie beds and went in search of coffee at Cafe al Bacio. Mom had an iced Americano, and I went out on a limb and ordered an Espresso Caraibico. It’s espresso, pineapple juice, coconut syrup and whipped cream. SUPER weird, but very good. And then, on the verge of missing lunch too, we went to the Oceanview Cafe (buffet!) for the breakfast of champions. I mean, what’s the point of a buffet if you don’t mix and match? 

"Breakfast" view!

Donut (with sprinkles, obvi), papadum (my FAVORITE!), beef tikka masala and some sort of noodles. Normal breakfast, right? Ha!

Watermelon, carrots, chicken nuggets, and a donut. Whose is whose? Ha!

Since today is an “at sea” day, and there’s no real agenda, we were free to do whatever we please! After lunch we went to a drawing class. The instructor was a former body paint artist. He had a cool story — did body paint (you know, of the extreme kind) until covid, when he all of a sudden didn’t have models to work with. Anyway, he led a REALLY fast paced class on drawing a hummingbird. We drew and colored this in just over an hour. Didn’t they turn out great? He has a couple more classes while we’re on board, and we just might check them out!

We spent the afternoon at the Rooftop Garden watching Elite 8 games. Don’t I sound like I know what I’m talking about? Truth be told, we hadn’t ever watched March Madness until moving to Oregon. But now we can’t travel during Spring Break without catching some games! The Rooftop Garden is beautiful. The sun was shining, but the breeze kept it just cool enough to be the perfect temperature, and of course, it’s hard not to get sucked into some good basketball. 

After dinner we went to a show: Caravan. It's hard to qualify what the storyline was, but there were some amazing contortionist/strength performers. We participated by enjoying two fruity drinks! ;)

Yes, I'm wearing an enormous whale necklace!

And now we’re hunkered down in our room, thinking about tomorrow! We dock in San Juan in mid afternoon. Goodnight! :)

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