We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Night Flight

Jeff Probst is fond of saying that Survivor is “one of the greatest social experiments ever”. I am a Survivor fan (don’t tell me ANYTHING about the episodes I’m missing!), but I think he has it wrong. Have you ever flown on a night flight? You know, the ones that, in theory, work out because you just sleep on the plane instead of a bed? That is a social experiment! 🤣 Only social norms kept me from losing my mind. Well, that and the latest Louise Penny. I love her anyway, but when she threw Mists of Avalon in there as the book Sylvie had bought from Myrna? It’s a little secret that you get to share with the author if you know that book. 💕 And we LOVE that book. 

We arrived in Fort Lauderdale at 6 this morning having not slept in around 24 hours, and at least for me, wearing the same clothes for 24 (which you know I loathe!).  I also think it was one of those 40 degree days. 45? It was sleeting in Cannon Beach when we left, and 85 when we stepped out of the airport to get the hotel shuttle.  We took a four hour nap, and then headed to the Port! 

The seaweed blob is starting to arrive!

The ship is beautiful, the people are lovely, and we’re so excited to be here! We are also incredibly excited to go to sleep! Ha! 

Our "balcony". It's not open air until you open the windows. Fancy! 

Rooftop garden

Tomorrow is an "at sea" day. Sounds like a lounging around day and we're here for it!


  1. You two live a live of ENVY on my part - Go Thelma - GO - Louise!

  2. I love Survivor as well, been watching since Season 1. Going to watch Wed. show as soon as I finish this to you. Oh yes night flights, red eye for sure, no sleep.

    Nice you have a balcony. Ann you look so peaceful, the water will do that to you as you know. Hope your day at sea was relaxing. Cheryl from NC.
