We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Fern Canyon

There is a portion of 101 that takes your breath away with the ocean views: sand dunes, rock stacks, rolling waves etc. And then, there is a portion (that lasts several hours incidentally) where there is nothing to see, and absolutely no cell reception. As the passenger, I love researching with my phone --  anecdotes about the towns that we drive through, wacky history and interesting tidbits. This was total radio silence (except our awesome playlist!). In retrospect, what a blessing to have several hours TODAY away from any sort of media...

But we made it!!!

We left Newport bright and early, and arrived in...  no idea where. You know, California! Someplace with really tall trees and a prairie, a little after 4pm, and made a bee line for Fern Canyon.  I say bee line, but the road in was... Well, it was a typical National Park road that leads to something awesome. Much shorter than some of the others that we have traversed, but slightly more terrifying due to the narrowness of the road. By this time in the day I was pretty car sick from the back and forth on 101, so I hopped in the driver's seat to have a little more control over the ride.  Dirt road, unfamiliar car, one-lane passings... It was like the Road to Hana, in that as the driver I think I was shouting like a roller coaster most of the time. We went over hill and over dale (and through two streams!!).  Mom shot this video going back, and watching it, I am completely shocked at how SLOW we are going.  Perspective, apparently. The ghostly colored plants to either side of the road are a testament to the dustiness of the road.

What we LOVE about National Parks is that you are wandering around someplace normal one minute, and the next you are staring at something unexpectedly amazing. Such was Fern Canyon. It is exactly what it sounds like -- a floor to ceiling canyon filled with ferns on both sides.

The ferns have a feathery quality to them -- looked almost like bird plumage from some angles. My Master Gardener BFF says there were several types of ferns -- five fingers..... And some others that I can no longer remember....

In my proof-reading I can see that I am having some issues with staying in one tense. I'm telling you, I SEE IT, but I'm moving on. :) I'm so tired. We are getting up early tomorrow to hope to get a permit for the Tall Trees hike. This morning I handled the morning so well, that I changed outfits three times. Honestly. This does not bode well for the upcoming get-back-to-work-program.

Good Night! Tomorrow? Really big trees. :)


  1. Loved hearing your laughter and voices ... oh, so many twists and turns on a dirt road without shoulders. Grand photos. Ann, the one of you clambering up the tree made me think of the long ago photo of you and your Mum sitting on a log on CB. Where are your overalls? �� ��

  2. Were you on a hyw or dirt roads? It looks amazing and you both look beautiful as wood babies.

    1. Dirt road, very narrow, and very curvy. That trio makes for the best of adventures!~E
