We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Kurt Vonnegut, Chevy Chase & John Voight

You know what happened before iPhones and constant connectivity? This:

Who was in "Harry and the Hendersons"?
No -- it wasn't him. Who is Angelina Jolie's dad?
No -- the guy -- that funny guy.
Third Rock from the Sun? His nose is all wrong.
Why are you looking at his nose?
Kurt Vonnegut?
What? NO!

And on, and on. The face in question was....

No -- it wasn't actually Christopher Walken, but it's not a bad representation right? This is apparently one of Paul Bunyan's BFFs whom we saw at Trees of Mystery.

Trees of Mystery is a tourist trap, but they're doing a really nice job and preserving the trees on their property. And they have an awesome gondola on the property that takes you up in the tree tops. 

One of the groupings of trees they had were called Cathedral Trees. They had two such groupings on site. In reality, they are called Fairy Rings. I had read about them on an NPS page, and was tickled to see them in real life. Fairy Rings sprout from the burls of a parent tree, and grow closely together, often in a circular shape.

Trees of Mystery is worth a stop if you're in the area, despite what you may think from the side of the road! A few more shots:

She could not be happier in the trees!

Afterwards we went on the Coastal Drive, because what is a day without a dirt road adventure? :)  This is a nice short drive that gives some amazing views of the Pacific. We saw beautiful scenery, seals, pelicans, and a log that I pulled off the road to observe. Sigh.  Not every seal turns out to be a seal... 

Along this road is also an old WWII radar station that was disguised, at the time, to look like an everyday farm house. It was built with cinder block and a wooden facade. Much of the wooden facade is missing, but since the "bones" are of cinder block, everything is in amazing condition.  And bonus, we did not see any Japanese submarines (or Russian ones -- Dad -- that's for you!).  ;)

From there, we went to look at...big trees!! LOL.. Actually, this one was named "Big Tree". And yes, it was big... ;)

On our way to dinner we drove through Prairie Creek to take one last look at the elk. I know -- there are elk everywhere, but I love them. I was so delighted to find a herd on the North Coast after leaving the Snoqualmie Valley herd.  We were able to watch two youngsters tangling their horns up, right over the "Danger -- Wild Elk" sign.  Ironic. It was like a three-way battle with the sign being the third party! 

Our evening ended with a wonderful dinner at the Eatery in Trinidad. Tomorrow we begin the trek home. I think we will visit some more giant trees...and maybe eat a sheet cake. If you didn't watch Weekend Update tonight -- do it!!! 

See ya tomorrow!! 


  1. HA! WWII submarines in the Redwood Forest... I KNEW I should have come along! --YD (yer Dad)

  2. Soooooooooooo much fun!!!!!!!

  3. Sunday evening, sure your back home by now. Again, thanks for sharing your vacation. Looks like you both had lots of fun. Great to see the pictures of the big trees, use to go camping there many years ago with family, fond memories. Cheryl (Florida)

  4. Catching up now I'm home with real wifi - love 'island time' but connectivity is dismal.
