We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Help! Making a Playlist...

Last summer's mid-year Thelma & Louise adventure had us in Zion National Park. This year, we are headed south to the Redwoods! We both read Tracey Chevalier's At the Edge of the Orchard this year, and it renewed a desire to see these huge giants. So tomorrow night we are off! Road Trip!!!

When we devised this trip in the early summer, I had grand plans to serenade the driver with my new found ukulele skills. As you can see from the video below, I have not made epic progress. I think practicing regularly is key, something I failed to do. You know the saxophone came so easy. I know I practiced, but I also know that I got lucky with some woodwind talent. Anyway... I have made progress in other things though: Since this video was created, I have gotten a haircut, lost the lisp I somehow acquired for this recording,evened out the sunglasses tan, and stopped waggling my eyebrows so much. I mean, honestly....

So...since I will not be strumming our way to the Redwoods, I am in dire need of playlist recommendations. I love country, show-tunes, folk-rock, and anything with a big band sound. My travel partner has the irritating quality of liking anything. ;) Also, we love duets. I mainly am writing that to see if my travel buddy is reading this. She HATES duets because I play them over and over until we can get the parts right. So, I'm looking for anything having to do with Americana, exploring, road tripping, driving, friends, trees, and...duets. :)

See you in the blog-o-sphere!


  1. Hope you'll reach Mendocino. The redwoods are inspiring - in some places I saw a circle of elder trees. Just magical to stand in the center and feel their energy.
    Travel safe and sing loudly (oh then , guess you do that.) xoxo

    1. I think we're only going to Arcata, but then we all know that I'm not the navigator! ~E

  2. Hi Erika! I suggest anything by Home Free. However, my two fav songs right now are "Don't Take the Money" and "Rollercoaster" by Bleachers. Have fun! Deanna

  3. Have fun on your road trip to the Redwoods. Country songs, On the Road Again, Red Dirt Road, then on the way back home how about, Country Roads Take Me Home. No matter what songs the two of you will sing I know you will have a good time. Be safe, Cheryl (Florida).

    1. Red Dirt Road -- needed that today!! Definitely load that for tomorrow. Hugs! ~E
