We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, March 25, 2019

A Fangirl's Dream Day

I usually like to say this is our second day of vacation, or travel day one... honest to goodness, I have no idea.  I do know that I wore the same outfit for approximately 46 hours getting here. I did not burn those clothes, but it was darn close!

We arrived in London yesterday morning, and checked in to our hotel (around 6am), and fell straight in to our beds. I did not notice at the time because I was so tired, but have commented on it several times since: our beds are smurf size. You might call them Bert and Ernie beds. Whatever, I've fallen off the side of mine twice! You know how you flop on to your bed with a book, or your phone? Mostly half of your person flies off the side if your bed is of the twinning size!

We packed yesterday with fun activities we knew we wouldn't sleep through. So after a hearty nap, we got up and took approximately 18 tubes to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I mean, maybe it wasn't 18, but it was two, and then a train, and then a shuttle. Felt like a lot more! Plus, if you're used to not seeing another car on your way to work, that much...humanity, is hard to take in. ;) So many people! What we noticed though, was so many nice people. The last people we interacted with were in New Jersey, and those people had a certain amout of Winnie-Foster-hiss about them. Everyone we have met here, whether they be in hospitality, or out on the tube, have been absolutely lovely.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is the Warner Brother's Studio where the HP films were shot. As you know, I'm a SUPER FAN of Harry Potter. But....I actually haven't seen all the films. The 7th one scared the pants off me, and I didn't want to see the 8th. I really only watch the first film over and over, even though I may pick up the whole book series and reread. So I was wondering if I would love all things about the movie. And the answer is a resounding yes. I was so wowed by the fact that the first movie didn't spoil the book entirely for me. Instead of ruining the story, there was more to fall in love with since it was adapted so well. Seeing the sets and props first hand, was amazing.

When you walk in, the halls are lined with pieces of the Marauder's Map blown up exponentially. There are footprints, and specific spots like "Peeves lurks here" blown up to inspect. In the huge room where we had coffee, there was also a giant replica on the wall, as well as several original word art pieces that fit with the map. At one point I asked mom what she was looking at: "Some sort of a map." I was like SHHHHH! You're going to get us thrown out of here if you don't know what the Marauder's Map is! Eek! If you, dear reader, don't know what the Marauder's Map is, please don't let on. ;)

The tour starts with a hosted portion before you actually get to explore the set pieces on your own. What I loved was that the people working there were super fans as well. The first woman we met talked about her daughter working at a bookshop when the books were published and the fun of being open for midnight releases, and dressing up for those.  :) As we were beginning to walk in to the theater,  one of the guys that was manning the lines turned to his "mate" and said, "Do you hear it?The familiar roar of children. Terrifying isn't it?" Gosh, I laughed! Maybe that will be my new saying when the bell rings at school in the morning. Ha!

Anyway, on to the set. The first things we got to do was walk in to the Great Hall. I mean the actual Great Hall! The floor is real stone, and feels like you are in an old castle. They made it to last knowing it had to hold up to years of filming.

Next was on to the Gryffindor Rooms and Commons. It was very cool to hear (audio tour) about how the set people created things, and then aged them appropriately so they looked like they were old and threadbare.

There were gobs of children, who were armed with phones and cameras, scavenger hunt lists, and who were mostly just geeking out over everything Potter. It was adorable. I was standing behind these three boys looking at the wands used on set, labeled by each character. They were reading the titles, and commenting on the features and details of each. So cute!

If there's a character I wish were real from the Harry Potter stories, it is definitely Dumbledore.  I don't just want to see him, I want to work for him! And his office was incredible. The amount of detail that went in to each prop, even the small ones behind the curtains, or behind the bookshelf doors, was amazing. 

The potions room, and Hagrid's Hut was next. Each bottle in the potion's room was hand made, and filled with unique items. They collected bones from butcher shops for some of them!

Aren't these shoes adorbs? I would totally wear them. 

But once you find out they are from the feet of Dolores Umbridge? AHHHH!!! All of this was even more frightening in person, if that is even possible.

One of the things that surprised me about the sets was how much was real. Real in the sense that the pieces were actually created and not green screened or CGI (or whatever those effects are called!).   The Forbidden Forest? Walked through it (and the spiders came down from the ceiling --deal breaker!). The giant hall from the Ministry of Magic? The entire thing -- football field size was actually created. Platform 9 3/4 and train? Got onboard! Privet Drive? Went inside! I guess I assumed that most of these large items were not physically real. Seeing all of these enormous projects really showed the scale of the movies. 

Of course there was a place to enjoy some butterbeer, and butterbeer ice cream! It was totally common place, this butterbeer mustache!

The last part of the tour was devoted to the models and art that were created in preparation of the film. This part was amazing to me. I'll only show a few pics, and bore my students with the rest when I get back to school. :)

And the last (really!) part was the model of Hogwarts that they use for some of the sweeping views of the castle in the movie. It was breathtaking. I know, full on nerd here, but honestly beautiful. 

If you're not a Harry Potter fan, thanks for hanging in this far! We ended our first day here in London in the best possible way - dinner with a friend.  We met up with John at a great restaurant called Ivy (I had monkfish curry!). For those of you who don't know, John was the principal at Opstad for eight of the ten years I worked there. Fun fact, he was also the principal of Medina Elementary (after we went on to Chinook). And he knows me well enough to put up with a jet-lagged version of me (I think he's seen worse!). :) It was great to catch up, see the place he calls home, and hear more about his fabulous retired life. 

That's a wrap! We had a fabulous first day of our vacay, and can't wait until tomorrow. This last little bit is brought to you by my new stuffy, Heddie, jet lag, sleep deprivation, and a tiny bit of rum. ;)

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