We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, March 25, 2019


With a little effort we discovered the actual day (and date!). We're so reliant on our technology, that when they disagree, it's paralyzing. For instance, our phones and watches adapted to the time change, but not our laptops. And our calendars kept events added in PDT, but bumped the calendar in to GMT, so events were seemingly a day off. Consequently, it has not been clear what day it is! Or what we're doing. Eek!

We did very little today.  During a late breakfast, my jet lagged self nearly fell asleep in my omelette, and so napping was in order. So basically, we slept in, I took a nap, and then it was nearly time for dinner!

It was a theater night, and so we made reservations at The Curry Room nearby, and had (wait for it)...curry!! So delicious. We had a variety: chicken and shrimp curry, butter chicken, potato curry, vegetable korma. Just yum.

And then: HAMILTON! We couldn't get tickets when it came to Portland, so this was the first time we've seen it. It was everything everyone has said and so much more. We loved it. The actor that played Aaron Burr was incredible. At intermission, the actress for Eliza was replaced "because of her disposition" (how quaint), and the understudy was phenomenal. If you haven't seen this show, do! I suppose like any good show, it's more than what you think it will be. So many themes and story lines. We really enjoyed that the British audience thought King George was laugh out-loud funny. It was a great evening!

So we are caught up on blogging, and hoping by morning to be caught up on sleep! Fingers crossed - this jet lag thing is the real deal! G'Night!

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