We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Stewardess Named Wanda

These are the faces of two weary travelers. Weary, I tell you.

I think the indicator for a "long day" was when I was sitting at my parent conference table Friday morning and realized my dress was on backwards. 😳  At that point I had four hours of conferencing left, and planned to leave Cannon Beach in six hours.  And...I hadn't packed. I know! Why you ask? I decided the week of report cards and parent conferences was a good time to attend a tech conference! Actually, that was the best PD I have been to in a long time (Oregon EdTech Cadre), so it was totally worth it, but it did add an element of thrash to the start of the trip.  Thrashy in the sense that we barely made our flight in Portland. 😬

Now, 24 hours later, we have not yet slept, I have no clear idea what's in my bag, and we are DOG tired. We've spent a very bizarre day here in Jersey, although no more bizarre than having dinner next to a man with a monkey puppet last night at SeaTac.  

The vacation Gods have smiled down on us as we are holed up in the British Airways Lounge awaiting our flight to Heathrow. Swanky!

Tomorrow we are expecting to sleep A LOT, experience Harry Potter until I'm blue in the face, and have dinner with a dear friend. London, ready or not, here we (actually!) come. :)

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