We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Lucky Girls

My dad has this irritating phrase: "If you can be good or lucky, be lucky!" It's irritating, because to choose luck laughs right in the face of good. But....I mean, we have been on the side of luck for this trip! (We've been good too...). We often fly in the face of luck on our travels, probably because we are adorable and unassuming. Right? 😉  One time (not this trip) we went through the border crossing and one of us had an expired passport. (I'll never tell who!) We got in and back - no issues! Was that because we were lucky, or good? Ha!

This trip, we had our passports and vaccine cards in the order. Turns out you need one more thing. OOPS! But the agent let us through. How lucky is that? 😃  After we secured a parking spot in downtown Banff (no small feat), we got a little turned around getting to the bus. Upon arrival, we were frazzled, and didn't have cash readily available. But Mark, the bus driver,  let us on anyway. 😃  Lucky. 

Today we took the gondola up Sulphur Mountain. 

There are six mountain ranges in Banff Nat'l Park, and at the top of the gondola, you feel like you can see for days. We were super lucky 😃 with beautiful weather. 

At the top, there are a couple restaurants, some historical information, and more pictures than we could take. 

How cute is she?

Our luck continued as we caught a FREE shuttle back to town. I mean, I guess the first one was free too, right? 😉

After hanging out at Spaghetti Factory, our best day ever continued as we went for a canoe trip down Bow River.

Our group went in two big canoes, and included people from Germany, Toronto, Hong Kong, Montreal, Quebec, Ontario, New Zealand, and New York. We booked in the early evening hoping to see some wildlife. Outside of Barry the beaver,  and an osprey nest, we came up short. But the trip itself was wonderful. The glacial water is stunning, and paddling amongst such beauty was truly special. 

Look at this color!

Art shot!

These lucky girls had an incredible day.  This is summer and traveling at its best. 💕

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