We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, August 14, 2022

On the Road Again

I know, I know. That's a well worn blog title. But as a point of tradition, we play it at the start of our road trips, and sing from the tops of our lungs.  So it's perfect!

Thelma and Louise are heading out for a summer adventure; one last hurrah for this teacher. We are so happy to be able to go back to Canada! Sure, covid shut down that travel option for a while, but it's also not as accessible in Oregon as it is from the Seattle area. I still struggle with understanding that when people say they are going to Vancouver, they're not taking their bikes for a spin in Stanley Park. 😉 We aren't headed to Vancouver though; we are off to Banff!

Today's driving adventure took us from home, all the way to Bonners Ferry, ID. I assume we drove here, but as I was unconscious most of the time, I cannot account for most of the trip. Ha! I looked like this for part of the afternoon after falling asleep on my ponytail holder!

And before 7pm that was almost the most interesting thing that happened today! But at 7, we rolled up to our hotel in Bonner's Ferry, and near about ran over a former colleague from Opstad. What's that quote from Casablanca?  "Of all the gin joints in all of the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." Having not seen Karen for almost a decade, this seemed like a pretty random reunion! Had a nice time catching up over dinner. :) 

As you might tell from my tomato face, it's warm here! Especially if you came from the low 60s on the coast. 😉 Tomorrow is a much shorter day across the border and into the park. It's going to be beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. I will be along with both of you on this trip. Banff is beautiful. Have a safe and wonderful time. Cheryl/NorthCarolina
