We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, April 2, 2012

211, 231, 212, 221...?

I think that title is funnier to me than anyone -- we've had quite the mix-up with numbers here lately. From going to the wrong stall at the rental car center, to the wrong hotel room, to the wrong freeway exit... And everything is in the 200s!!

Today was another long day with us up before the sun. I know! Me, on vacation, dressed by 6:30. We had to make a bat-run to Charleston this morning to arrive for morning tennis. What seemed to be a golf gathering last night was a full blown traffic situation this morning. I'm sure women watch golf somewhere, but none of them are here. We were the only women in the lobby of the hotel and Starbucks; two among many in a throng of polo shirts. I had the pleasure of interacting with the masses when one of them parked too closely to our car at Starbucks -- we couldn't get the doors open. I threw on my teacher voice (and apparently my face too, based on the reaction I got) and announced in Starbucks, "Excuse me gentlemen...." My announcement was greeted with pure panic stricken faces. All but one were so glad not to have to be involved. :)

It was about a three hour drive to Charleston. And man was it boring! The trees are very high along the freeway, giving only chance glimpses to what lies beyond.

Tennis was so fun!! I have always wanted to see a major event, and this was the perfect one to start with. The stadium was small, so all seats were amazing. We watched a match between Stephanie Dubois (CAN) and Elena Visnina (RUS). They were fairly closely matched and had some long rallies between the two. We were rooting for Canada, but Russia came out ahead. We will see Visnina play Serena Williams tomorrow night.

If you're reading this blog from somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, then you are still dealing with the idea that you will never be warm again. Yesterday when we arrived in Atlanta, it was stifling, but felt so good. We were reveling in warmth and sunshine. It apparently only takes 24 hours for your body to thaw out from winter. At first the tennis stadium was nice with sunshine at our backs and a light breeze frizzing up our hair. And then we got hot. And then we got really hot. We escaped a few minutes before heat stroke set in (emphasis on before -- hallelujah!). It's supposed to be about 20 degrees cooler tomorrow, settling in at about 75. It sounds perfect.

Tomorrow we plan on heading up to Cypress Gardens (where mom is going to count the varieties of azalea and I'm going to go croc hunting), and then hitting the tennis courts. I think we get to see a doubles match after the Williams/Visnina match.

Goodnight from Charleston!

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