We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fort Pulaski and Tybee Island

First of all, thank you Jann, for the tip on Fort Pulaski. We had originally planned on going to Fort Sumter in SC, but didn't have time for both. We are SO glad that we made it to Fort Pulaski!

The first thing that greats you in the parking lot at Fort Pulaski is a GIGANTIC confederate flag. And I mean giant. It's an eerie site from a bygone time. And once you cross the drawbridge, the second thing that greats you is a cannon pointed directly at you. Fort Pulaski was built with the hoopla of the Titanic. It was said that it would be easier to "attack the Rockies" than Fort Pulaski. But in 30 hours, it was taken over by Union forces. Blah, blah, blah. I'm sure you can google it if you're interested. The bottom line is that the history was rich and it was amazing to walk in the footsteps of those that came before us.

After Fort Pulaski we headed to Tybee for lunch. Mom had heard about a great lunch spot called "The Crab Shack". What a slice of weird! They had an alligator feeding tank out front where there had to be 25 small alligators being fed mostly by children with fishing poles. I sort of refused to participate in that!! The restaurant itself was definitely thought up by a guy. Each table had a hole in the middle where you pushed all your trash in, and a cover over the top that had a roll of paper towels, and condiments coming out the ears. We sat under a tree that kept dropping its leaves into our lunch, and more than two cats walked by. For those of you that eat lunch with me on a daily basis and know my food "eccentricities" you will appreciate what a stretch this was!! Despite the odd surroundings, the food was good, and we had fun enjoying the experience.

In Tybee we drove around in search of the ocean. We knew it was there, but couldn't even see it from the lighthouse! There's a system of rivers and waterways that take up a lot of the "coast". Once we found the ocean, like true beach girls we ditched our shoes and scampered up the boardwalk on to the beach. For a brief moment, what bliss! Sand on our feet, sunshine on our faces, water in front of us. But this was no Cannon Beach. You know, I have been irritated with the "Puffin Patrol" since they came on the scene in Oregon in the late 80s. Their purpose is to protect the nesting puffins and other wildlife from the public. This beach needed at least a Puffin Patrol. I have never seen so much trash on a beach! Beer cans, cigarettes, shoes, cups...all at the water line being tugged in to the surf. And apparently this is a nesting place for my beloved sea turtle. Sigh. Mom tugged me along and reminded me to "close my mouth" because it was hanging open in awe.

As we were leaving Tybee, great clouds were forming, that turned in to an all out storm when we were back in Savannah. Finally the lightning that has been threatening us for days was here! We watched with great interest from our hotel room -- Savannah has a relatively short skyline, so we had a great view of the storm rolling across the city.

And now, we are having our first "veg" of the trip. We are eating cold pizza and watching "Iron Lady". Meryl Streep is amazing! I guess for that matter, so is Margaret Thatcher (Nancy, I always think of you when her name is mentioned).

Tomorrow is our last full day and we plan to take a ferry across the river and explore Savannah.


  1. Slice of weird - Crab Shack - you're so right. You could have gone to the Breakfast Club - another Tybee "must do" ;) Enjoy Savannah, but please don't tell me you stood in line for Paula Deen!
