We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Swamp thing and a tennis skirt

We didn't exactly sleep the day away but it was close! After getting up at an undisclosed hour we made our way to Cypress Gardens. If you're keeping track at home, this is our 18th trip, thus making this the 18th garden. :) At one point mom asked if I remembered a specific garden she was talking about from our San Antonio trip. My clarifying questions: was it hot? was I thirsty? was there something flying around and eating me? They all run together..

Actually, this garden won't be confused with any in our minds because it was a swamp!! It's an old plantation that is now owned and operated by the city of Charleston. The swamp is about all that is "original" to the first owner. We walked around the periphery first, but the were able to canoe around the the cypress and lily pads! We saw an abundance of turtles and three alligators!! We also saw several hundred black flies...

Then this evening we saw our final event at the Family Circle Cup. The headline match included Serena Williams. Wow. She is so powerful. I have not been a fan of hers, but I am more so tonight! After that we watched a doubles match which was awesome. Doubles play is so fast and entertaining. Made me wish I was playing!

Have I mentioned the Internet is not great? I have just completed this post with my pointer finger on my phone. Luckily I'm faster than the average texter...

Comin ' to you tomorrow from Savannah.

1 comment:

  1. Savannah gardens should be in full bloom awaiting your arrival, Ann. Enjoy! Jann
