We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, April 13, 2013


When I was in high school my church youth group was invited to a Native American island in Alaska. After spending a week there, they sent us off without goodbyes, insisting that it was "see you later", leaving the door open to see one another again. I think that is the spirit of "aloha" since it expresses both hello and goodbye.  Today was our last day in Maui, and though we had a great time at the pool this morning, we had a bit of sadness towards the afternoon.  We love it here.   

So, in the spirit of a last day, here are our favorites. And don't worry, we didn't stay sad very long. We had some fruity beverages and went shopping -- that will cure any ailment! :)

Favorite Food
Ann: The mahi with the citrus rub and passionfruit sauce.
Erica: Also mahi! Mine had a yummy Thai coconut sauce. 

Favorite Beverage
Ann:  Passionfruit Smoothie
Erica: Ack! I forgot about the smoothie. I loved that. But I also loved the green flash colada.  (I drank more this week than I have in years!).

Favorite Experience
Ann:  The jeep trip on Lanai. The unknown of it made it so fun!
Erica:  Turtles at Turtle Town. Have I mentioned I love those guys?

Favorite Purchase
Ann: Croc Sandals - oceanspray in color. 
Erica: Is it cheating to say a purchase made before the trip? My grown up sunglasses were awesome.  They aren't red, retro or with flowers, but they worked great (and looked divine if I do say so myself).

Favorite Photograph
Ann:  The series of remote pictures at Shipwreck Beach. And again, I didn't bring the tripod. I mean, I brought it on the trip, but not on the mini-trip. Sigh.
Erica:  I really like the remote picture from the mile 17 stop on Haleakala.

Favorite Cookie Flavor
Ann: Pineapple Mac Nut
Erica: Lilikoi Mango

Favorite Uncontrollable Laughter
Ann: Gotta be in the jeep. Half of what happened didn't make the blog... Although the first time in the water at Kaanapali trying to put flippers on was pretty awesome. 
Erica:  Hmmm.  We laughed so much! I would agree with the jeep though.  The laughter was coupled with anxiety about not having a bathroom. That made me a little more hysterical.

It's time to pack up the computer! Thanks for traveling with us. Aloha!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Down that Red Dirt Road

We didn't pick blackberries, have a beer or wreck a car, but I was still humming that Brooks and Dunn song the whole day because we were driving down a red dirt road. Thursday was our adventure day. We took a ferry to Lanai where we rented a jeep for the day.

Now that I've been on the roads of Lanai, I'm not sure what the hoopla is for the Road to Hana.  If you've been to DisneyLand, the best way I can describe the ride was a cross between Star Tours and Indiana Jones. The road was mostly dirt, in some places was washed out, others had large boulders in the road, and a lot of it was washboard quality.  Inside the jeep we were bobbing all over the place. Mom was driving, and I was holding fiercely to the handle on the dashboard just to keep from flying around the jeep. Good thing we had a hardtop or we might have bounced right out of the car!

For the first part of our day we headed to the Garden of the Gods.  This is a strange place with rocks scattered willy nilly. They are volcanic for sure, but like nothing we have seen before on the islands.  Seen Galaxy Quest? It looks like the "Gorignak" portion was filmed here.  There were also some little plants that were trying to survive the harsh conditions, and even I was impressed with them.

From the Garden of the Gods we continued our drive to Polihua Beach. This is where the road took a turn for the worse. On the map from the jeep people, they wrote "bumpy". But on other places they had written, "caution", "closed" and "4wd" so this seemed somewhat benign.  It was a 4wd road if there ever was one!  I think the fastest we drove was about 7mph -- and that seemed fast!! I had an anti-nausea patch on, and actually had a ball! There was lots of laughter and screaming. Since I'm not really a swearer, I was making up Hawaiian words to yell, which just added to the chaos.

Polihua Beach is beautiful. We were the only ones there, so it seemed even more tropical and remote. Okay, to be honest, we were the only ones anywhere we went outside of Lanai City.  We had swimsuits in the car, but even from the shore we could tell the current was extremely strong, so we passed on swimming (safety first!).

After Polihua Beach we had a little time to venture down to Shipwreck Beach. Luckily the road was paved most of the way which was a real treat! As you might have imagined, Shipwreck Beach has been the site of many a shipwrecks. Most notably is an oil tanker from the 40s that was grounded on the reef. It's also the spot where trade winds blow through -- there is a lot of debris washed up on the beach.

This was also a site of a fun remote picture. Even though you can turn your iPhone camera around and take a picture, we love the setting up of a remote picture, the running, and general hilarity.  Mom always sets the pictures up and then dashes over to where I'm waiting. This time there was lots of rocks in the way, and 10 seconds wasn't long enough!

Also at Shipwreck beach we saw some turtles having some lunch. They were right close to the shore, munching on -- you know, whatever turtles eat.  It seemed like hard work because they would get tossed around in the surf and nearly come ashore and then be dragged out a little further and paddle back.

Lanai certainly felt like a remote destination. We both commented on what it might look like 20 years from now.  Dole (Pineapple) no longer owns it and the new owner has already lengthened the runway to allow for jets. It seems like development might be just around the corner.

We left Lanai at sunset, exhausted from the ride, and SO dirty!

Friday is definitely a pool day.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


It seems whenever we go on vacation there are a few days that require me to get up earlier than usual. I know I push the envelope on a school day and magically get ready in 15 minutes, but still! Today was one of the early days, but man was it worth it!

Last time we were here we went on a whale watching trip on a recommendation of an Opstad parent that we ran in to at the hotel (I know, really?). But it was a great trip, and a great crew, so we booked with them again (Trilogy, if you're planning on coming over here). Unbelievably we had the same skipper as before -- a guy from Seattle that said if he was anywhere else in the world, he would be sailing in the San Juans.

Our trip was to Molokini for a snorkel.  Molokini is a crescent shaped volcano crater between Maui and Kahoolawe that has great visibility for snorkeling and diving.  We headed there first and had great fun looking at the fishes and the coral.  The visibility in Kaanapali has been limited, but it was so clear here! There weren't a ton of fishes, but the coral was fascinating -- bright colors and interesting shapes.  Plus, using good snorkel gear was amazing!  The masks that we own have been somewhat problematic. The one mom has been using has basically taken off the skin on part of her forehead. It's not as horrifying as it sounds, but it's not good. And I'm on my second pair of contacts because the salt water was just pouring in my mask. So using functional gear was blissful!

The second stop on our trip was at "Turtle Town" which is really just a snorkel spot off Makena Beach. The lava tubes extend far in to the ocean and the turtles love to swim in the tubes. We saw so many -- it was amazing. When they appear out of nowhere and swim next to you for a few minutes, it feels so magical. I have had a few moments like that when it feels like it's me and him alone in the ocean. Sigh. We were there for about 45 minutes just watching them swim in and out of the tubes and basically be amazing. By far my favorite part of today.

The rest of the day was spent motoring or sailing back from Turtle Town.  The boat was great, the rest of the tour participants were decent, and it made for a great day!

We spent the remaining hours of the day napping, lathered up with lotion. My spf 100 did little to battle the sun today. Yes, you heard it -- 100!  I was pretty vigilant, but I am a little pink. I'm sure by the time you see me I will have returned to my natural Alaskan ivory color. Mom's a little pink too, but her skin has some olive tones, and she might actually tan. :) We had great fish tacos for dinner and are now happily ensconced in our air conditioned room. I was joking with mom tonight that I have eaten more fish in the few days we have been here than I have in the two years since we were here last -- great mahi last night too!

Tomorrow we are off to explore Lanai.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monday (Volcano) and Tuesday (Beachy)

Yesterday I was SO sick! As mom says, turns out you will not be a mountain climber after all. Ha! Like that was in the cards.

We set out yesterday to Haleakala (National Park!). Last time when we went there we  went for the sole purpose of riding down on bikes, and really didn't see anything. Mom was in search of the elusive Silversword (yeah, a plant), and I was along for the ride.  Actually because it was twisty and turny, I was the driver for a bit. For a very short bit.  I was starting to feel sick so mom pulled over and I got in the driver seat.  Bicyclists, low visibility and no guard rails had me driving at around 20 mph and yelling "Wish we had a volvo" you know for the steel frame when we rolled off the road down the volcano.  Needless to say, we switched back and I was, again, a passenger.

On the way up we stopped in the town of Makawao. We had stopped here on our bikes two years ago and went to a delicious bakery/store. It was one of those real Hawaiian places where they looked like they had a slight rat problem and all the cardboard packaging was wet from shipping. But the malasadas were delicious. Anyway, they were closed (which was sort of good, because it was even more ewwy than I remembered) so we walked further down the shopping street.  On the right side (directionally impaired, so I can't tell you north or south etc.), there was a hypnotist, a cowboy outfitter and Mrs. Roper.  On the other side was Nordstroms, Coach and Vitton. Okay, not really, but you get the idea - the two sides were completely different (I do think that was Mrs. Roper though....).

Further up the volcano our adventure started. The summit is over 10,000 feet, so you go through some weather. It was very cool how the clouds poured over the side of the volcano, and the temperature dropped (really! like in to the 50s!).  And then we poked out on the other side.

The other side was sunny and warm. The first place we stopped was at about 8,000 ft -- Louie Louie. That is in no way the name of the spot, but I can't remember and am too lazy right now to look through the brochure. After a short walk we got our first view of the crater. It was beautiful. This is also where I relinquished the driver position in the car.

After Louie Louie it started to go a little downhill for me personally.  By the time we got out of the car at the summit I was dizzy, out of breath...the whole nine yards. Not an altitude person! There are lots of observatory "things" up there, but as I was focused on not passing out, I missed all the important details. Mom saw the famed Silverwood (though not in bloom) and then we drove back down the volcano. She drove, I weaved in and out of consciousness.

That brings us to today -- Tuesday! First of all, I can't believe it's only Tuesday. We feel like we've been here forever (in a good way). Today we sat by the pool, and then went snorkeling. Visibility was pretty low, so we didn't see anything. Actually, I'm not sure if it was the visibility in the ocean, or in my mask. I seem to have soaked up all the salt through my contacts and lips (my lips feel like a Goldie-Hawn-botox job).

 Now we're going for a massage. What's not to like?

Monday, April 8, 2013

An iPhone and a Sea Turtle

The first time I saw a sea turtle was when we were coming back in on canoes from spreading Claire's ashes. The water was clear and the turtle glided under the canoe; it was breathtaking!  Since then, I have savored every turtle moment. Last time we were here in Maui we saw so many turtles. When we got home I was bummed not to have pictures of any. So this time...we brought a gadget! Can you believe that I had my iPhone in the Pacific today? OMGosh -- it was awesome! We got a waterproof case, and then a little life jacket (so it floats when you drop it!). With all the contraptions, it's no longer a sleek piece of technology --it's like a throwback to a cell phone of the 90s (but it takes pictures underwater).

When you snorkel off Ka'anapali Beach, you have to have a plan. The waves that break on the beach are extremely strong. One moment you're standing in three feet of water, and the next you are several feet out and can't touch. Normally, that isn't a problem, but if you're standing up trying to put flippers on, it gets exciting.

 An added bonus to the experience was when my snorkel came apart and part of it sank to the bottom. Mom did an extremely glamorous search and rescue to retrieve it. Maybe you had to be there.  

We snorkeled for a bit, but didn't see much. The current was really strong so we couldn't go out further around the rocks. As we were heading back in to sit by the pool, I was trying hard not to  be disappointed -- there had been no turtles. A few angel fish and something with a long nose, but no turtles.  And then people started pointing and I quick like bunny shoved my snorkel mask back on and zoomed into the water. I was just hoping to catch a glimpse of said turtle, and instead came nose to nose with two of them. They were big and awesome and so beautiful. I snapped a few photos and then swam away to give them some space. Can't wait to see them again tomorrow!

In case the above wasn't nerdy enough about the iPhone, I have to share a great app we stumbled across. If you're an iPad user, you have to get "Handy Photo". It was in the featured section of the App Store last week. So many easy tricks and quick fixes for photos. On the pics above I played with the light and contrast, but look what fun we had with a throw-away picture from poolside:

It started out as two fruity beverages and a lizard, and now look at it!  

No succinct plans for tomorrow. My guess is sun, laughter and some water.  What's not to like? 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

We're here!!!

It was a loooooong day, but we're here! The flight was uneventful. I finished a children's book and cried at the end. I found a sequel to Wind and the Willows written by a current children's author. How amazing to have another adventure with Mole, Ratty and Toad. I cried at the end (the stewardess was nice enough to bring me some tissues).  Mom took pictures out the window while the light was still good. I would make some comments about that, but I was sniffling over fictional rodents, so I guess her thing isn't weirder than mine!

We don't have plans for tomorrow, so who knows!  We're pretty jazzed just to be here. :)


Monday, April 1, 2013

Breaking the Rules -- Already!

One of our Spring Break “rules” is to go someplace new every year. True, we have flown, unbelievably, in to the Atlanta airport twice, but we had completely different adventures. Usually we stake out a National Park and build a trip around that. But Hawaii…Hawaii is different. The people we have loved, and the varied experiences we have had (did you know I spent two weeks in a kindergarten class on the North Shore?) make Hawaii a trip worth breaking the rules for.  We agreed to go back to Maui only if we had different adventures than last time.

So, on this trip, we will not lose our car in a snorkeling mishap. We won’t be waking up at 2am to stand in the rain in a smurf suit, and we will definitely not be riding down a volcano on a bike with no brakes. But, as none of those events were actually planned, who knows what will happen? Come along for the ride – we leave Saturday!