We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, April 8, 2013

An iPhone and a Sea Turtle

The first time I saw a sea turtle was when we were coming back in on canoes from spreading Claire's ashes. The water was clear and the turtle glided under the canoe; it was breathtaking!  Since then, I have savored every turtle moment. Last time we were here in Maui we saw so many turtles. When we got home I was bummed not to have pictures of any. So this time...we brought a gadget! Can you believe that I had my iPhone in the Pacific today? OMGosh -- it was awesome! We got a waterproof case, and then a little life jacket (so it floats when you drop it!). With all the contraptions, it's no longer a sleek piece of technology --it's like a throwback to a cell phone of the 90s (but it takes pictures underwater).

When you snorkel off Ka'anapali Beach, you have to have a plan. The waves that break on the beach are extremely strong. One moment you're standing in three feet of water, and the next you are several feet out and can't touch. Normally, that isn't a problem, but if you're standing up trying to put flippers on, it gets exciting.

 An added bonus to the experience was when my snorkel came apart and part of it sank to the bottom. Mom did an extremely glamorous search and rescue to retrieve it. Maybe you had to be there.  

We snorkeled for a bit, but didn't see much. The current was really strong so we couldn't go out further around the rocks. As we were heading back in to sit by the pool, I was trying hard not to  be disappointed -- there had been no turtles. A few angel fish and something with a long nose, but no turtles.  And then people started pointing and I quick like bunny shoved my snorkel mask back on and zoomed into the water. I was just hoping to catch a glimpse of said turtle, and instead came nose to nose with two of them. They were big and awesome and so beautiful. I snapped a few photos and then swam away to give them some space. Can't wait to see them again tomorrow!

In case the above wasn't nerdy enough about the iPhone, I have to share a great app we stumbled across. If you're an iPad user, you have to get "Handy Photo". It was in the featured section of the App Store last week. So many easy tricks and quick fixes for photos. On the pics above I played with the light and contrast, but look what fun we had with a throw-away picture from poolside:

It started out as two fruity beverages and a lizard, and now look at it!  

No succinct plans for tomorrow. My guess is sun, laughter and some water.  What's not to like? 

1 comment:

  1. Perfect recipe for fun: sun, laughter and water. Mix it up!
    J xoxo
