We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monday (Volcano) and Tuesday (Beachy)

Yesterday I was SO sick! As mom says, turns out you will not be a mountain climber after all. Ha! Like that was in the cards.

We set out yesterday to Haleakala (National Park!). Last time when we went there we  went for the sole purpose of riding down on bikes, and really didn't see anything. Mom was in search of the elusive Silversword (yeah, a plant), and I was along for the ride.  Actually because it was twisty and turny, I was the driver for a bit. For a very short bit.  I was starting to feel sick so mom pulled over and I got in the driver seat.  Bicyclists, low visibility and no guard rails had me driving at around 20 mph and yelling "Wish we had a volvo" you know for the steel frame when we rolled off the road down the volcano.  Needless to say, we switched back and I was, again, a passenger.

On the way up we stopped in the town of Makawao. We had stopped here on our bikes two years ago and went to a delicious bakery/store. It was one of those real Hawaiian places where they looked like they had a slight rat problem and all the cardboard packaging was wet from shipping. But the malasadas were delicious. Anyway, they were closed (which was sort of good, because it was even more ewwy than I remembered) so we walked further down the shopping street.  On the right side (directionally impaired, so I can't tell you north or south etc.), there was a hypnotist, a cowboy outfitter and Mrs. Roper.  On the other side was Nordstroms, Coach and Vitton. Okay, not really, but you get the idea - the two sides were completely different (I do think that was Mrs. Roper though....).

Further up the volcano our adventure started. The summit is over 10,000 feet, so you go through some weather. It was very cool how the clouds poured over the side of the volcano, and the temperature dropped (really! like in to the 50s!).  And then we poked out on the other side.

The other side was sunny and warm. The first place we stopped was at about 8,000 ft -- Louie Louie. That is in no way the name of the spot, but I can't remember and am too lazy right now to look through the brochure. After a short walk we got our first view of the crater. It was beautiful. This is also where I relinquished the driver position in the car.

After Louie Louie it started to go a little downhill for me personally.  By the time we got out of the car at the summit I was dizzy, out of breath...the whole nine yards. Not an altitude person! There are lots of observatory "things" up there, but as I was focused on not passing out, I missed all the important details. Mom saw the famed Silverwood (though not in bloom) and then we drove back down the volcano. She drove, I weaved in and out of consciousness.

That brings us to today -- Tuesday! First of all, I can't believe it's only Tuesday. We feel like we've been here forever (in a good way). Today we sat by the pool, and then went snorkeling. Visibility was pretty low, so we didn't see anything. Actually, I'm not sure if it was the visibility in the ocean, or in my mask. I seem to have soaked up all the salt through my contacts and lips (my lips feel like a Goldie-Hawn-botox job).

 Now we're going for a massage. What's not to like?


  1. Just checking in to make sure you didn't fall off a mountain, enjoy too many umbrella drinks, aggravate a turtle, etc. Altitude? I think I prefer mine while seated inside an aircraft. Massage - any time.
    J xoxo

  2. Sounds like you two are having so much fun. You know your in my favorite place. Enjoy, Cheryl
