We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, March 31, 2018

A 60 Degree Kind of Day

If you recently were in Hawaii, or Mexico for Spring Break, then Seattle or Portland felt downright cold today. But to us? Balmy! We gained 60 degrees in a short 1.5 hour flight. It was 0 degrees F and blowing this morning. Brr!!! It was clear and sunny, but that hardly made up for the temperature. Add a grande frappuccino to that and I was literally frozen. If I had stayed any longer I would have had to switch my Starbucks drink! Ahhhh!

We had a great trip -- here's our "Best Of" list:

Favorite Experience:
Mom: I think driving to Jasper and the extreme temperatures. 
Erica: I can’t decide between that and holding that penguin.  Both were incredible. 

Favorite Movie:
Mom: The Greatest Showman
Erica: Me too. This is me!  

Ramada or Westin?
Mom: (E: She actually laughed out loud!) No contest. 
Erica: Me too. However, Ramada could earn a few points if our car is still there. 

Favorite Food:
Mom: I’m going to say Louisiana Purchase. It was Bon Poulet. (E: There was also lobster sauce!!). 
Erica: Going to have to go with High Tea at the Fairmont. Nothing beats a good, warm, scone. 

Your favorite LOL moment:
Mom: Disappearing under water many times. 
Erica: Mom was a bit of a splash zone magnet. First the beer, and then the water slide drenching after we had changed clothes. 

Favorite Louise Penny character:
Mom: I actually like Gamache. 
Erica: Me too. You’ll love him even more as the series goes on. 

Favorite Penguin:
Mom: The name? 😳 It has to be Skadu. No-actually the one I kept herding around, Tweeblik. 
Erica: I also liked Tweeblik. The trainers said when she walks the mall, she pops into the shoe stores! ❤️

Favorite Oiler:
Mom:  McDavid is the only one that I can remember. 
Erica: Was he #97? Then, me too. 

Favorite Accent:
Mom: The girl at Joe’s place. What was her accent? Strictly Canadian? 
Erica: The guy behind us at Muttart. French and British? 

Garmin or Apple?
Mom: (E: Another audible laugh!) Siri all the way. 
Erica: Me too. Even with Siri there were some confusing directions! That darn river (North Saskatchewan) really got in the way. 

Favorite Beverage:
Mom:  Mango Lassi
Erica: Watermelon lemonade

Favorite Tim Bit flavor:
Mom: Buttermilk. Our was it sour cream? Whatever that one was. 
Erica: Birthday cake. I don’t believe you were able to try one of those as I hoovered them down on the way to Jasper. 

Favorite road sign:
Mom: Well, I don’t remember any! 
Erica:  😂 I just wanted to say “Goats & Glaciers” (actual road sign) again. 

Word you couldn’t pronounce:
Mom:  That one sign in Jasper that was three ways: English, French, First Nations. 
Erica: That hockey player whose name started with a D. That many consonants don’t belong together. 

Most surprising bathroom:
Mom:  Joe’s Place with the hand dryer in the sink. Faucet, and dryer all in one!
Erica: I’m surprised I went in to the airplane  “bathroom” and not at all happy about it! 

Wildlife count:
Wood Bison: 1
Prairie Bison: 0
Magpie: 1
“Puffy” deer: 2
“Normal” deer: 3
Caribou: 0
Elk: 16
Penguins: 19
Beaver: 0
Beaver “homes”: 8ish
Mountain goats: 0
Moose: 0

And that's a wrap! Next year is the 25th Spring Break trip for T & L. We're planning something awesome!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for another fun adventure, until next year! Cheryl (Florida)
