We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Thelma & Louise do Canada

I could really benefit from having one of those court reporter people follow me around all day, recording my every whim. I had some great blog ideas today, but now that I'm sitting in front of my computer, I'm drawing a blank. Truth be told, it has been such a long day.

T & L started their adventure yesterday at the Ramada Inn in Portland. Our flight left early this morning, so an overnight in Portland seemed like the ticket. Plus, if you stay at the Ramada, you get ridiculously cheap parking for the duration of your trip, and you don't have to fight with the rest of Oregon in the economy parking. The only issue is that you have to stay at the Ramada. This Ramada. I can't really bring myself to describe all the horrors of the room, but I will say that my less picky, non-germophobe travel partner was also a little freaked out. I may have showered in my shoes...

After arriving in Edmonton, we had what may have been the best car rental experience of our lives.  With one small caveat. I mean, it's been YEARS since I've operated a GPS. Usually Siri takes us easily wherever we want to go. And uses a British accent to boot! But, we're not in Kansas anymore (or within our cell network), so we opted for the add-on navigation. Which apparently has to be initially fired up outside of the parking garage to connect with GPS. But it has a nifty setting called "simulate" which takes you through the route in real time, even measuring your current speed, and matching that to the speed limit. But....let's say you take a wrong turn, the simulate setting doesn't actually tell you that. Do you get where this is going?

Me: Take the next left in 650m.
Mom: Where?
Me: Oh shoot -- you missed it! Take the next left.
Me: Oh no -- you missed it again!

So we've seen a part of Edmonton, or more specifically Wetaskiwin County, that most people don't get to experience! Don't worry too much about it -- we rewarded our perseverance with a Tim Horton stop. Oh Canada!

On our way back to Edmonton, still in search of our hotel, we detoured to Elk Island National Park. They have a large herd of bison there and are leading the way to bison conservation in Canada. We didn't see the large herd, but did see one lounging in the sunshine on our way out. Gobs of beaver dams to see, and just some really beautiful scenery. 

Tomorrow, we are looking forward to high tea at the Fairmont! 


  1. Wow, hope you don't get to Alaska the long way

  2. Oh, I had forgotten that Spring (break) comes early in Oregon. Do not terrorize the Canadians because they speak English; that’s why they do excellent afternoon tea. As always T&L, I look forward to reports of your adventures. Luv ya both - Jxo

  3. I will be following your adventures this week. Have fun!! Cheryl, enjoying the warmth of spring in Florida.
